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31 papers
Lower bounds for lengthening of proofs after cut-elimination
V. P. Orevkov
$C_k^*$ be the formula
\forall b_0((\forall w_0\exists v_0 P(w_0,b_0,v_0)
&\&\forall uvw(\exists y(P(y,b_0,u)\&\exists z(P(v,y,z)\notag\\
&\& P(z,y,w)))\supset P(v,u,w)))\supset\exists v_k(P(b_0,b_0,v_k)\notag\\
&\&\exists v_{k+1}(P(b_0,v_k,V_{k-1})\&\dots\exists v_0 P(b_0,v_1,v_0)\dots))).\notag
and let
$LK$ be the Gentzen system for classical predicate calculus. Given a sequent calculus
$\mathfrak P$ let
$\mathfrak P\vdash_nS$ mean that
$S$ has a proof in
$\mathfrak P$ of at most
$n$, sequent occurrences.
The main aim of the paper is to show that
(a) there is a linear function
$l$ such that
(b) there is no Kalmar elementary function
$f$ with
In particular
$LK\vdash_{253}C_6^*$ but
$\rceil C_6^*$ does not have a refutation in resolution method with less than
$10^{19200}$ clauses.