This article is cited in
1 paper
On a sufficient statistics for families of distributions with variable support of density. I
M. S. Ermakov
$i=\overline{1,n}$ be independent random vectors with density
$f(x,\Theta)$, (
$\Theta\in R^d$). Support
$f(x,\Theta)$ depend on
$\Theta$. Let
$R_n\{\Theta|\prod_{i=1}^nf(x_i,\Theta)\ne0\}$. Then
$(T,R_n)$ is sufficient statistics, if $\prod_{i=1}^nf(x_i,\Theta)=g_\Theta(T)h(x_1,\dots,x_n)\cdot\chi_{R_n}(\Theta)$, for some measurable functions
$g_\Theta(T)$ and
$h$. Instead of
$(T,R_n)$ we take sufficient statistics
$x_{j_1},\dots,x_{j_{\alpha_n}},T$ if $R_n\{\Theta|\prod_{i=1}^{\alpha_n}f(x_{ji},\Theta)\ne0\}$. Denote
$x_{j_1},\dots,x_{j_{\alpha_n}}$ suffiсient statistics of described type with minimum
$\alpha_n$. Under wide assumptions it is shown, that
$\alpha_n$ is bounded on probability when
$n\to\infty$ (Th. 4.1). The limit distribution of
$\alpha_n$ and
$x_{j_1},\dots,x_{j_{\alpha_n}}$ is investigated (Th. 4.4, 4.5). Some weak analogous of Dynkin's theorems is proved for statistics