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106 papers
Exchangeable Gibbs partitions and Stirling triangles
A. V. Gnedina,
J. Pitmanb a Utrecht University
b University of California, Berkeley
For two collections of nonnegative and suitably normalised weights
$W=(W_j)$ and
a probability distribution on the set of partitions of the set
$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ is defined by assigning to a generic partition
$\{A_j, j\leq k\}$ the probability
$V_{n,k}\,W_{|A_1|}\cdots W_{|A_k|}$, where
$|A_j|$ is the number of elements of
$A_j$. We impose constraints on the weights by assuming that the resulting random partitions
$\Pi_n$ of
$[n]$ are consistent as
$n$ varies, meaning that they define an exchangeable partition of the set of all natural numbers. This implies that the weights
$W$ must be of a very special form depending on a single parameter
$\alpha\in[-\infty,1]$. The case
$\alpha=1$ is trivial, and for each value of
$\alpha\ne 1$ the set of possible
$V$-weights is an infinite-dimensional simplex. We identify the extreme points of the simplex by solving the boundary problem for a generalised Stirling triangle. In particular, we show that the boundary is discrete for
$-\infty\le\alpha<0$ and continuous for
$0\le\alpha<1$. For
$\alpha\le 0$ the extremes correspond to the members of the Ewens–Pitman family of random partitions indexed by
$(\alpha,\theta)$, while for
$0<\alpha<1$ the extremes are obtained by conditioning an
$(\alpha,\theta)$-partition on the asymptotics of the number of blocks of
$\Pi_n$ as
$n$ tends to infinity.
519.217.74 Received: 25.04.2005
Language: English