Let $R$ be a commutative ring all of whose proper factor rings are finite and such that there exists a unit of infinite order. We show that for a subgroup $P$ in $G=\mathrm{SL}(n,R)$, $n\ge3$, or in $G=\mathrm{Sp}(2l,R)$, $l\ge2$, containing Borel subgroup $B$, the following alternative holds. Either $P$ contains a relative elementary subgroup $E_I$ for some ideal $I\neq0$, or $H$ is contained in a proper standard parabolic subgroup. For Dedekind rings of arithmetic type this allows, under some mild additional assumptions on units, to completely describe overgroups of $B$ in $G$. Bibl. – 30 titles.
Key words and phrases:special linear group, symplectic group, transvections, parabolic subgroups, Dedekind ring of arythmetic type.