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1 paper
Finding connected components of a semialgebraic set in subexponential time
N. N. Vorobjov (jr.),
D. Yu. Grigor'ev
A subexponential-time algorithm is described, which finds
the connected components of a semialgebraic set
given by a quantifier-free formula
$\Xi$ of the first-order theory
of real closed fields . Here
$\widetilde{\mathbb{Q}}_m$ is a real closure of the
field $\mathbb{Q}_m=\mathbb{Q}(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_m)\supset\mathbb{Z}_m=\mathbb{Z}[\delta_1,\dots,\delta_m]$,
$\mathbb{Q}_0=\mathbb{Q}$ and for each
$1\leqq i\leqq m$ the element
$\delta_i>0$ is infinitesimal
relative to
$\mathbb{Q}_{i-1}$. The well-known construction of the cylindrical
algebraic decomposition (see [4, 5]) allows to find the
connected components within exponential time.
Let the formula
$\Xi$ contain
$k$ atomic subformulas of the
$1\leqq i\leqq k$, where
$f_i\in\mathbb{Z}_m[X_1,\dots,X_n]$, the absolute
values of integer coefficients of
$f_i$ do not exceed
the degrees
$\mathrm{deg}_{X_1,\dots,X_n}(f_i)<d$, $\mathrm{deg}_{\delta_1,\dots,\delta_m}(f_i)<d_0$
for some integers
THEOREM. One can design an algorithm, which for
$\Xi$ finds
the connected components of the semialgebraic set
$\{\Xi\}$ within
$M^{O(1)}(kd)^{n^{O(1)}(m+1)}d_0^{\,O(n+m)}$. The algorithm outputs
each connected component by means of a certain quantifier-free
$\Xi_i$, with
$(kd)^{n^{O(1)}}$ atomic subformulas of the type
$g\geqq0$, where the absolute values of integer coefficients of
$g\in\mathbb{Z}_m[X_1,\dots,X_n]$ do not exceed
and the degrees $\mathrm{deg}_{X_1,\dots,X_n}(g)<(kd)^{n^{O(1)}}$,
The proof of the theorem essentially involves the designed
in [15] algorithm, which counts the number of connected components
$\{\Xi\}$ subexponential time and, moreover, allows for any
two points of
$\{\Xi\}$ to decide whether they are situated in the
same connected component.