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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI // Archive

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 1986 Volume 155, Pages 50–64 (Mi znsl5160)

This article is cited in 59 papers

Combinatorics Bethe ansats and representations of symmetric group

S. V. Kerov, A. N. Kirillov, N. Yu. Reshetikhin

Abstract: The technique originally developed in the frames of the quantum inverse scattering method is applied to the study of combinatorial probles (Young diagrams, rigged configurations and special bases for representation spaces of symmetric groups). A new combinatorial correspondence is found between Young tableaux and partitions.

UDC: 536.7+519.12

 English version:
Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 1988, 41:2, 916–924

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