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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI // Archive

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2013 Volume 419, Pages 43–51 (Mi znsl5737)

On a problem in the class of typically real functions

E. G. Goluzina

St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: Let $T$ be the class of functions $f(z)=z+\sum^\infty_{n=2}c_nz^n$ regular and typically real in the disk $U=\{z\in\mathbb C\colon|z|<1\}$. In the paper, sharp estimates on the derivative $f'(r)$ ($0<r<1$) for functions in the class $T$ in terms of $f(r)$ and $c_2$ and also $f(r)$, $c_2$, and $c_3$ are obtained.

UDC: 517.54

Received: 24.10.2013

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2014, 199:4, 394–399

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