Let $\Gamma$ be a reductive algebraic group and let $P,Q\subset\Gamma$ be a pair of parabolic subgroups. We consider here some properties of intersection and incident distances
d_\mathrm{in}(P,Q)=\max\{\dim P,\dim Q\}-\dim (P\cap Q),\\
d_\mathrm{inc}(P,Q)=\min\{\dim P,\dim Q\}-\dim (P\cap Q)
(if $P,Q$ are Borel subgroups, both numbers coincide with the Tits distance $\operatorname{dist}(P,Q)$ in the building $\Delta(\Gamma)$ of all parabolic subgroups of $\Gamma$). In particular, if $\Gamma=\mathrm{GL}(V)$ and $P=P_v$, $Q=P_u$ are stabilizers in $\mathrm{GL}(V)$ of linear subspaces $v,u\subset V$ we obtain the formula
where $d=d_\mathrm{in}(v,u)=\max\{\dim v,\dim u\}-\dim(v\cap u)$ is the intersection distance between the subspaces $v,u$, and where $a_1, a_2$ are integers expressed in terms of $\dim V,\dim v,\dim u$.
Key words and phrases:parabolic subgroups, Tits distance, Schubert cells.