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6 papers
Bounded remainder sets
V. G. Zhuravlev Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
We consider the category
$(\mathcal{T,S,X})$ consisting of transformations
$\mathcal{S\colon T\to T}$ of spaces
$\mathcal T$ with distinguished subsets
$\mathcal{X\subset T}$. Let
$r_\mathcal X(i,x_0)$ be the distribution function of points from the
$\mathcal S$-orbit $x_0,x_1=\mathcal S(x_0),\dots,x_{i-1}=\mathcal S^{i-1}(x_0)$ got in
$\mathcal X$, and a deviation
$\delta_\mathcal X(i,x_0)$ be defined by the equation
r_\mathcal X(i,x_0)=a_\mathcal Xi+\delta_\mathcal X(i,x_0),
$a_\mathcal Xi$ is the average value. If
$\delta_\mathcal X(i,x_0)=O(1)$ then such
$\mathcal X$ are called bounded remainder sets. In this article the bounded remainder sets
$\mathcal X$ are built in the following cases: 1) the space
$\mathcal T$ is a circle, a torus or a Klein bottle; 2) the map
$\mathcal S$ is a rotation of the circle, a shift or an exchange transformation of the torus; 3) the
$\mathcal X$ is a fixed subset
$\mathcal{X\subset T}$ or a sequence of subsets depending on the iteration step
Key words and phrases:
toric exchange, induced decomposition, bounded remainder sets.
511 Received: 16.01.2016