Let $e_q$ be a nontrivial additive character of a finite field $\mathbb F_q$ of order $q\equiv1\pmod3$, and let $\psi$ be a cubic multiplicative character of $\mathbb F_q$, $\psi(0)=0$. Consider the cubic Gauss sum and the cubic exponential sum
G(\psi)=\sum_{z\in\mathbb F_q}e_q(z)\psi(z),\quad C(w)=\sum_{z\in\mathbb F_q}e_q\Bigl(\frac{z^3}w-3z\Bigr),\quad w\in\mathbb F_q\quad w\neq0.
For all nonzero $a,b\in\mathbb F_q$, $ab\neq0$, it is proved that
where summation runs over all nonzero $n\in\mathbb F_q$.
Key words and phrases:Gauss sum, finite field, cubic exponential sum.