The paper presents new nonsingularity conditions for $n\times n$ matrices,
which involve a subset $S$ of the index set $\{1, \dots,n\}$ and take into consideration
the matrix sparsity pattern.
It is shown that the matrices satisfying these conditions form a subclass of the class
of nonsingular $\mathcal H$-matrices, which contains some known matrix classes such as
the class of doubly strictly diagonally dominant (DSDD)
matrices and the class of Dashnic–Zusmanovich type (DZT) matrices.
The nonsingularity conditions established are used to obtain the corresponding
eigenvalue inclusion sets, which, in their turn, are used in deriving new
inclusion sets for the singular values of a square matrix, improving some recently suggested ones.
Key words and phrases:nonsingularity criterion, Ostrowski–Brauer nonsingularity criterion, nonsingular $\mathcal H$-matrices, DSDD matrices, DZT matrices, eigenvalue inclusion sets, singular value inclusion sets.