The paper introduces the so-called generalized Nekrasov (GN) matrices, which provide a block extension of the conventional Nekrasov matrices. Basic properties of GN matrices are studied. In particular, it is proved that the GN matrices form a subclass of nonsingular $\mathcal{H}$-matrices and this subclass is closed with respect to Schur complements obtained by eliminating leading principal block submatrices. Also an upper bound for the $l_\infty$-norm of the inverse to a GN matrix is obtained, which generalizes the known bound for Nekrasov matrices. The case of block two-by-two GN matrices with scalar first diagonal block, which prove to be Dashnic–Zusmanovich matrices of the first type, is considered separately. The bounds obtained are applied to SDD matrices.
Key words and phrases:Nekrasov matrices, generalized Nekrasov matrices, nonsingular $\mathcal{H}$-matrices, $\mathcal{M}$-matrices, DZ matrices, SDD matrices, upper bounds fo the inverse.