SSDD matrices and relations with other subclasses of nonsingular $\mathcal H$-matrices
L. Yu. Kolotilina St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
The paper introduces into consideration a new matrix class of the so-called SSDD (Schur SDD) matrices, which contains the class of SDD (strictly diagonally dominant) matrices and is itself contained in the class of nonsingular
$\mathcal{H}$-matrices. The definition of an SSDD matrix
$A$ is based on distinguishing a subset
$S$ of its strictly diagonally dominant rows and requiring that the Schur complement
$\mathcal{M}(A)/S$ of its comparison matrix be an SDD matrix. Properties of SSDD matrices and their relations with other subclasses of the class of
$\mathcal{H}$-matrices are considered. In particular, it is shown that such known matrix classes as those of ОВ, SOB, DZ, DZT (DZ-type), CKV-type,
$_1$, SDD
$_k$, GSDD
$_1$, and also GSDD
$_1^*$ matrices all are contained in the class of SSDD matrices. On the other hand, the SSDD matrices themselves are simultaneously РН- and
$SD$-SDD matrices and, up to symmetric row and column permutations, they coincide with the block
$2\times 2$ generalized Nekrasov matrices, the so-called GN matrices. Also some upper bounds for the
$l_\infty$-norm of the inverse to an SSDD matrix are established.
Key words and phrases:
$\mathcal H$-matrices, SDD matrices, $S$-SDD matrices, SDD$_k$ matrices, GSDD$_1$ matrices, PH-matrices, $SD$-SDD matrices, $l_\infty$-norm of the inverse, upper bounds.
512.643 Received: 30.08.2024