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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2018 Volume 58, Number 5, Pages 682–704 (Mi zvmmf10730)

This article is cited in 14 papers

Quasi-stable structures in circular gene networks

S. D. Glyzinab, A. Yu. Kolesova, N. Kh. Rozovc

a Faculty of Mathematics, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia
b Scientific Center in Chernogolovka, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
c Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: A new mathematical model is proposed for a circular gene network representing a system of unidirectionally coupled ordinary differential equations. The existence and stability of special periodic motions (traveling waves) for this system is studied. It is shown that, with a suitable choice of parameters and an increasing number $m$ of equations in the system, the number of coexisting traveling waves increases indefinitely, but all of them (except for a single stable periodic solution for odd $m$) are quasistable. The quasi-stability of a cycle means that some of its multipliers are asymptotically close to the unit circle, while the other multipliers (except for a simple unit one) are less than unity in absolute value.

Key words: mathematical model, circular gene network, repressilator, traveling wave, asymptotics, quasi-stability, quasi-buffer phenomenon, system of ordinary differential equations, periodic solutions.

UDC: 519.926

Received: 16.05.2017

DOI: 10.7868/S0044466918050022

 English version:
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2018, 58:5, 659–679

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