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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2020 Volume 60, Number 11, Pages 1867–1880 (Mi zvmmf11158)

Optimal control

Convergence of Hölder projections to chebyshev projections

V. I. Zorkal'tsev

Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia

Abstract: The problem of finding a point of a linear manifold with a minimal weighted Chebyshev norm is considered. In particular, to such a problem, the Chebyshev approximation is reduced. An algorithm that always produces a unique solution to this problem is presented. The algorithm consists in finding relatively internal points of optimal solutions of a finite sequence of linear programming problems. It is proved that the solution generated by this algorithm is the limit to which the Hölder projections of the origin of coordinates onto a linear manifold converge with infinitely increasing power index of the Hölder norms using the same weight coefficients as the Chebyshev norm.

Key words: Hölder norms, Chebyshev norms, Hölder projections, Chebyshev projections, Chebyshev approximation, Haar condition, relatively interior points of optimal solutions.

UDC: 519.6

Received: 30.01.2020
Revised: 07.02.2020
Accepted: 07.07.2020

DOI: 10.31857/S0044466920110150

 English version:
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2020, 60:11, 1810–1822

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