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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2021 Volume 61, Number 2, Pages 303–311 (Mi zvmmf11201)

This article is cited in 10 papers

Mathematical physics

Inverse problem for equations of complex heat transfer with Fresnel matching conditions

A. Yu. Chebotarev

Institute for Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok

Abstract: An inverse problem is considered for a system of semilinear elliptic equations that simulate radiative heat transfer with Fresnel matching conditions on the surfaces of discontinuity of the refractive index. The problem consists in finding the right-hand side of the heat equation, which is a linear combination of given functionals from their specified values on the solution. The solvability of the inverse problem is proved without restrictions on smallness. A sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the solution is presented.

Key words: stationary equations of radiation heat transfer, Fresnel matching conditions, inverse problem, nonlocal solvability.

UDC: 517.5

Received: 12.02.2019
Revised: 20.08.2020
Accepted: 16.09.2020

DOI: 10.31857/S0044466921020058

 English version:
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2021, 61:2, 288–296

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