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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2023 Volume 63, Number 7, Page 1192 (Mi zvmmf11589)

Mathematical physics

Laser-induced thermoelastic response in an isotropic medium having variable material moduli

Aktar Seikha, Soumen Shawb, Smita Pal (Sarkar)a

a Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, 711103 Howrah, Shibpur
b Department of Mathematics, Dinabandhu Andrews College, 700084 Kolkata, Shibpur

Abstract: Thermal displacement and stress distribution are analysed in the domain of plane-strain geometry of an isotropic thermoelastic medium having variable material moduli. In this context of the analysis, laser induced heat sources are planted on the reference plane. To analyse the thermal responses due to the injected heat sources into the medium, hyperbolic type heat conduction model with three phase-lags incorporated. Analytical solutions are expressed in-terms of Laplace–Fourier integral transform domain and the physical behaviour of displacement and stresses are depicted through a discretised form of inverse-integral transformation technique. Finally, parameterized characteristic analysis are presented graphically and the salient features of thermal displacements are highlighted.

Key words: medium with variable material moduli, hyperbolic type heat conduction, Laplace–Fourier integral transform.

UDC: 519.63

Received: 19.02.2023
Revised: 19.02.2023
Accepted: 30.03.2023

Language: English

DOI: 10.31857/S0044466923070153

 English version:
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2023, 63:7, 1300–1318

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