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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 2009 Volume 49, Number 5, Pages 891–901 (Mi zvmmf4693)

Numerical simulation of the velocity distribution for a hard-sphere gas

A. A. Gorbunov, S. I. Igolkin, O. A. Silant'eva

Baltic State Technical University "Voenmekh", ul. Pervaya Krasnoarmeiskaya 1, St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia

Abstract: The kinetic features of energy exchange between hard-sphere molecules are numerically simulated. The results deviate from the usual the Maxwell distribution. The high-speed tail of the molecule distribution is cut off due to the dominant deceleration of fast particles. For mixtures of gases with various molecular masses, the energy redistribution between the degrees of freedom leads to different stationary temperatures of the components.

Key words: direct numerical simulation of problems in statistical physics, the Maxwell distribution, independence of velocity increments, symmetry of impacts, distribution tail.

UDC: 519.634

Received: 26.06.2008
Revised: 20.10.2008

 English version:
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2009, 49:5, 857–866

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