Expository Surveys
Quasi-orthogonal decompositions with respect to complementary metrics, and estimates for univalent functions V. I. Vasyunin, N. K. Nikol'skii
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Research Papers
On a conjecture of Yu. V. Linnik A. M. Vishnyakova, I. V. Ostrovskii, A. M. Ulanovskii
82 |
On the theory of multidimensional local fields. Methods and constructions S. V. Vostokov, I. B. Zhukov, I. B. Fesenko
91 |
Algebraic aspects of the quantum Yang–Baxter equation D. I. Gurevich
119 |
On quasitriangular quasi-Hopf algebras and on a group that is closely connected with $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)$ V. G. Drinfeld
149 |
A plane wave in a three-body system with zero total orbital momentum A. A. Kvitsinskiy, S. P. Merkur'ev
182 |
A quasinilpotent Hankel operator A. V. Megretski
201 |
A problem with the third boundary condition for the Laplace equation in a plane angle and its applications to parabolic problems V. A. Solonnikov, E. V. Frolova
213 |
A $\mathrm{Pin}^{-}$-cobordism invariant and a generalization of the Rokhlin signature congruence S. M. Finashin
242 |
Book Reviews
V. A. Marchenko. Non Linear Equations and Operator Algebras. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1986. 155 p. L. A. Pastur, E. Ya. Khruslov
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