Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin (1919–1984) (photo)
Expository Surveys
Exotic algebraic structures on affine spaces M. G. Zaidenberg
3 |
Research Papers
Cyclic equivariant singularities of functions, and the unitary reflection groups $G(2m,2,n)$, $G_9$ and $G_{31}$ V. V. Goryunov, C. Baines
74 |
On the topology of germs of meromorphic functions and its applications S. M. Gusein-Zade, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernández
92 |
Elliptic genus of Calabi–Yau manifolds and Jacobi and Siegel modular forms V. Gritsenko
100 |
On the Euler characteristic of manifolds with $c_1=0$. A letter to V. Gritsenko F. Hirzebruch
126 |
Quintics in ${\mathbb C}{\mathrm P}^2$ with nonabelian fundamental group A. I. Degtyarev
130 |
Birational equivalence for smooth manifolds with boundary G. B. Mikhalkin
152 |
Projective $M$-cubics and $M$-quartics in general position with a maximally intersecting pair of ovals S. Yu. Orevkov, G. M. Polotovsky
166 |
The mean value of the Euler characteristic of an algebraic hypersurface S. S. Podkorytov
185 |
On the co-Hopficity of $3$-manifold groups L. Potyagailo, Sh. Wang
194 |
Lower deformations of isolated hypersurface singularities E. Shustin
221 |
Self-intersection surfaces, regular homotopy, and finite order invariants T. Ekholm
250 |