Research Papers
Exponential Riesz bases of subspaces and divided differences S. A. Avdonin, S. A. Ivanov
1 |
On the subgroups of the complete linear group of degree 4 that contain the special unitary group of index 1 E. L. Bashkirov
18 |
The group $\mathrm{Spin}_8$ and some subgroups of the unitary group of degree four over a quaternion algebra E. L. Bashkirov
43 |
Criteria for similarity of a dissipative integral operator to a normal operator V. Vasyunin, S. Kupin
65 |
Morse–Novikov number of knots and links C. Weber, A. Pajitnov, L. Rudolph
105 |
The middle of the diagonal of a surface with the invariants $p_g=0$ and $q=1$ V. I. Guletskii
119 |
On a family of Shur rings over a finite cyclic group S. A. Evdokimov, I. N. Ponomarenko
139 |
Lyapunov dimension formulas for Hénon and Lorentz attractors G. A. Leonov
155 |
Continuous measures with large partial sums A. Olofsson
171 |
The structure of the virtual polytope group with respect to the cyllinder subgroups filtration G. Yu. Panina
179 |
Sequential topologies and quotients of Milnor $K$-groups of higher local fields I. B. Fesenko
198 |
Appendix on the group $K_2(F)/\bigcap_{L\ge1}lK_2(F)$ O. T. Izhboldin
222 |
At the End of the Issue
A philosophical dialog. Mathematics, life, and death Lars Gording
229 |
Additions to: N. B. Medvedeva, A monodromy criterion for a singular point of a vector field on the plane (Algebra i Analiz 13 (2001), no. 3, 240–240)
240 |