Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev (Photo)
Research Papers
On the relative distribution of eigenvalues of exceptional Hecke operators and automorphic Laplacians E. Balslev, A. Venkov
5 |
Nonlinear hyperbolic equations in surface theory: integrable discretizations and approximation results A. I. Bobenko, D. Matthes, Yu. B. Suris
53 |
Functional integration and the twopoint correlation function of the one-dimensional Bose-gas in the harmonic potential N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev
84 |
A recursion formula for the correlation functions of an inhomogeneous $XXX$ model H. Boos, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, F. Smirnov, Y. Takeyama
115 |
Cayley–Hamilton theorem for quantum matrix algebras of type $\mathrm{GL}(m\mid n)$ D. I. Gurevich, P. N. Pyatov, P. A. Saponov
160 |
A kink in a funny place R. Jackiw
183 |
Hypergeometric generating function of $L$-function, Slater's identities, and quantum invariant K. Hikami, A. N. Kirillov
190 |
On selfadjont extensions of a difference operator R. M. Kashaev
209 |
Grothendiecks dessins d'enfants, their deformations, and algebraic solutions of the sixth Painlevé and Gauss hypergeometric equations A. V. Kitaev
224 |
Asymptotic estimates for spectral, bands of periodic Schrödenger operators M. M. Skriganov, A. V. Sobolev
276 |