Research Papers
The Hochschild cohomology ring for modular group A. P. Alekhin, Yu. V. Volkov, A. I. Generalov
3 |
Sharp estimates involving $A_\infty$ and $L\log L$ constants, and their applications to PDE O. Beznosova, A. Reznikov
40 |
Compactness criteria for spaces of measurable functions Yu. Brudnyi
68 |
Justification of the method of averaging for the system of equations with the Navier–Stokes operator in the principal part V. B. Levenshtam
94 |
Method for computing waveguide scattering matrices in vicinity of thresholds B. A. Plamenevskii, A. S. Poretckii, O. V. Sarafanov
128 |
Full investigation of the matrix equation $AX+XB=C$ and specifically of the equation $AX-XA=C$ E. L. Rabkin
165 |
Infinitesimal criterion for flatness of projective morphism of schemes N. V. Timofeeva
185 |
Extremal bases, geometrically separated domains and applications Ph. Charpentier, Y. Dupain
196 |
Erratum to the paper “A. I. Noarov, Stationary diffusion processes with discontinuous drift coefficients”
270 |
Addendum to the paper “A. Yu. Solynin, Continuous symmetrization via polarization”
271 |