Recent results and open questions on semigroup graded rings A. V. Kelarev
1115 |
Research Papers Dedicated to the Memory of A. N. Tikhonov
Global solvability of the Cauchy problem for system describing one-dimensional plasma flow A. V. Gichuk, V. A. Tupchiev
1141 |
Asimptotics of contrast extremals in simplest vector variational problem M. G. Dmitriev, Ni Ming Kang
1165 |
Week interaction of the perturbed Korteveg–de Vries solutions L. A. Kalyakin
1179 |
Method of resolvent integral equations in the problem of three particles' scattering with the Coulomb interaction V. L. Shablov, V. A. Bilyk, Yu. V. Popov
1207 |
On necessary and sufficient conditions of embedding of Nikol'skii classes from Lorentz spaces A. I. Aganin
1225 |
Finite groups with multiple factorizations B. Amberg, L. S. Kazarin, B. Hoefling
1251 |
Elementary equivalence of unitary linear groups over fields E. I. Bunina
1265 |
Fully invariant subgroups of separable Abelian groups S. Ya. Grinshpon
1279 |
Definite systems of linear equations over rings V. P. Elizarov
1307 |
Some properties of space equimorphic mappings O. V. Kartasheva
1315 |
Semigroups over which all acts are residually finite I. B. Kozhukhov
1335 |
Irreducible locally nilpotent linear groups V. S. Konyukh
1345 |
Abelian groups as injective modules over endomorphism rings P. A. Krylov, E. G. Pakhomova
1365 |
The invariants of Post classes S. S. Marchenkov
1385 |
Prime radical of $\Omega$-groups and $\Omega$-$l$-groups A. V. Mikhalev, M. A. Shatalova
1405 |
Short communications
A linear representability of group $G_{n,k,l}=\langle a,t;\ a^n=1,\ t^{-1}a^k t=a^l\rangle$ R. T. Vol'vachev
1415 |
Separable torsion free Abelian groups with $UA$-rings of endomorphisms O. V. Ljubimtsev
1419 |
On the best local nonglobal rational approximation in the space $H_2$ M. A. Nazarenko
1423 |