The canonical ensemble of open self-avoiding strings V. I. Alkhimov
3 |
Applied homomorphic cryptography: examples G. G. Arakelov, A. V. Gribov, A. V. Mikhalev
25 |
Complete systems of eigenfunctions of the Vladimirov operator in $L^{2}(B_r)$ and $L^{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})$ A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev
39 |
Construction of optimal Bézier splines V. V. Borisenko
57 |
Universal equivalence of general and special linear groups over fields E. I. Bunina, G. A. Kaleeva
73 |
Pseudocomplements in the lattice of subvarieties of a variety of multiplicatively idempotent semirings E. M. Vechtomov, A. A. Petrov
107 |
On Haver's theorem in the category of filtered metric spaces I. A. Zhigulich
121 |
Detection of communities in graph of interactive objects M. I. Kolomeychenko, I. V. Polyakov, A. A. Chepovskiy, A. M. Chepovskiy
131 |
The structure of isomorphisms of universal hypergraphical automata V. A. Molchanov
141 |
The geometry of projective, injective, and flat Banach modules N. T. Nemesh
161 |
On some discrete nonlinear dynamical systems V. S. Sekovanov
185 |
A study of elastic-plastic boundary propagation in a tube of elastic-perfectly plastic material under dynamic loadings of different types P. V. Tishin
201 |
On $k$-transitivity conditions of a product of regular permutation groups A. V. Toktarev
217 |
On diagonalization of matrices in an arbitrary field V. D. Shmatkov
233 |