Chern classes of graph hypersurfaces and deletion-contraction relations Paolo Aluffi
671 |
A remark on a question of Beauville about lagrangian fibrations Ekaterina Amerik
701 |
On products of skew rotations M. D. Arnold, E. I. Dinaburg, G. B. Dobrushina, S. A. Pirogov, A. N. Rybko
705 |
Random Young Diagrams in a Rectangular Box Dan Beltoft, Cédric Boutillier, Nathanaël Enriquez
719 |
Thurston equivalence to a rational map is decidable Sylvain Bonnot, Mark Braverman, Michael Yampolsky
747 |
Riemannian $\mathrm{Spin}(7)$ holonomy manifold carries octonionic-Kähler structure Dmitry V. Egorov
765 |
The integral homology ring of the based loop space on some generalised symmetric spaces Jelena Grbić, Svjetlana Terzić
771 |
Maximal Specht varieties of monoids Edmond W. H. Lee
787 |
On topologies on Malcev completions of braid groups Yury Neretin
803 |
Thom's problem for degenerated singular points of holomorphic foliations in the plane L. Ortiz-Bobadilla, E. Rosales-González, S. M. Voronin
825 |
A Note on Formality and Singularities of Moduli Spaces Ziyu Zhang
863 |