On denseness of $C_0^\infty(\Omega)$ and compactness in $L_{p(x)}(\Omega)$ for $0<p(x)<1$ R. A. Bandaliev, S. G. Hasanov
1 |
A criterion for zero averages and full support of ergodic measures Christian Bonatti, Lorenzo J. Díaz, Jairo Bochi
15 |
Genera of non-algebraic leaves of polynomial foliations of $\mathbb C^2$ Nataliya Goncharuk, Yury Kudryashov
63 |
A necessary and sufficient condition for existence of measurable flow of a bounded Borel vector field Nikolay A. Gusev
85 |
Global bifurcations in generic one-parameter families with a separatrix loop on $S^2$ Yu. Ilyashenko, N. Solodovnikov
93 |
New divisors in the boundary of the instanton moduli space Marcos Jardim, Dimitri Markushevich, Alexander S. Tikhomirov
117 |
A spectral sequence for homology of invariant group chains Rolando Jimenez, Angelina López Madrigal, Quitzeh Morales Meléndez
149 |
Stable singularities and stable leaves of holomorphic foliations in dimension two V. León, B. Scárdua
163 |
Extensions of Hardy-type inequalities for the generalized Mehler–Fock transform Yehao Shi
181 |
Corrigendum to the paper "A new approach to the representation theory of the symmetric groups. IV. $ \mathbb Z_2$-graded groups and algebras" A. Vershik, A. Sergeev
187 |