Информационное сообщение о симпозиуме CTCrypt’2016
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Bash-f: another LRX sponge function S. V. Agievich, V. V. Marchuk, A. S. Maslau, V. I. Semenov
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Lower bounds for the practical secrecy of a key I. M. Arbekov
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On the properties of the CTR encryption mode of Magma and Kuznyechik block ciphers with re-keying method based on CryptoPro Key Meshing L. R. Ahmetzyanova, E. K. Alekseev, I. B. Oshkin, S. V. Smyshlyaev, L. A. Sonina
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The influence of linear mapping reducibility on the choice of round constants D. A. Burov, B. A. Pogorelov
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Non-commutative Hamilton–Cayley theorem and roots of characteristic polynomials of skew maximal period linear recurrences over Galois rings M. A. Goltvanitsa
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New methods of error correction in quantum cryptography using low-density parity-check codes D. A. Kronberg
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Synthesis of asymptotically size-optimal Boolean circuits protected from functionality inference S. A. Lozhkin, M. S. Shupletsov, B. R. Danilov
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Spectral-linear and spectral-differential methods for generating S-boxes having almost optimal cryptographic parameters A. V. Menyachikhin
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A new authenticated encryption mode for arbitrary block
cipher based on universal hash function A. Yu. Nesterenko
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Analysis of Russian key-agreement protocols using automated verification tools A. M. Semenov
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