Информационное сообщение о симпозиуме CTCrypt'2020
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On the guaranteed number of activations in $\mathsf{XS}$-circuits S. V. Agievich
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A compact bit-sliced representation of Kuznyechik S-box O. D. Avraamova, D. B. Fomin, V. A. Serov, A. V. Smirnov, V. N. Shokov
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On groups generated by ciphers based on Feistel network V. G. Antipkin, D. O. Pasko
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Construction of MDS matrices combining the Feistel, Misty and Lai-Massey schemes R. R. Aulet, R. A. de la Cruz Jiménes
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On methods of shortening ElGamal-type signatures L. R. Akhmetzyanova, E. K. Alekseev, A. A. Babueva, S. V. Smyshlyaev
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An algorithm for computing the upper bound for non-minimum weight differentials in 2-round LSX-ciphers V. A. Kiryukhin
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IND-CCA2 secure McEliece-type modification in the standard model Yu. V. Kosolapov, O. Yu. Turchenko
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Security analysis of the W-OTS$^+$ signature scheme: Updating security bounds M. A. Kudinov, E. O. Kiktenko, A. K. Fedorov
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Side-channel attacks countermeasure based on decomposed S-boxes for Kuznyechik T. A. Lavrenteva, S. V. Matveev
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