Computer systems for cognitive maps simulation: Approaches and methods A. A. Kulinich
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Mathematical problems of control theory
Solution of the generalized johnson problem with constraints on the schedule and time of the machine. Part 1. Exact solution methods Yu. A. Zak
17 |
Analysis and synthesis of control systems
Nonlinear noise immunity differentiators S. V. Gulyaev, A. M. Shubladze, S. I. Kyznetsov, A. V. Krotov, V. R. Olshvang, V. A. Malakhov
26 |
Control in the socio-economic systems
An enterprise information system as a means to provide an adaptivity of a firm in an unstable environment A. A. Kolomoets, V. V. Klochkov
30 |
Methods and tools for optimization of holding company development T. A. Goroshnikova, A. D. Tsvirkun
38 |
Company management system estimation on the basis of adaptive correlation to the environment S. N. Masaev, M. G. Dorrer
45 |
Administration of complex technological processes and productions
Causal complexes of interactions in production processes A. F. Rezchikov, V. A. Tverdokhlebov
51 |
Increase of control efficiency of electrothermal processes using the computer training complexes O. V. Ershova
60 |
Information technologies controls
The organization of homogeneous competing processes at the distributed conveyor processing P. A. Pavlov
66 |
Control the moving objects
Near optimal management trajectory of object movement A. B. Shubin, E. G. Alexandrov, G. G. Harchenkov
73 |
Modern methods of navigation and movement control: models and methods of information processing in the tasks of movement control B. V. Pavlov, D. A. Gol'din
79 |
Vasily Nikolaevich Novoseltsev (on the occasion of 75th anniversary)
84 |