Mathematical problems in management
Stochastic graphs and nonlinear preferential attachment rule V. N. Zadorozhnyi
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Control in the socio-economic systems
On the issue of developing of intelligent control systems of complex organizational structures. (I). Mathematical support for control system of the vertically integrated oil company investment activities A. S. Akopov
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Control of sustainable development of hierarchical systems in conditions of corruption G. A. Ougolnitsky, A. B. Usov
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Functional models of service rendering by firm-intermediary in the software market Y. P. Ehlakov, A. A. Efimov
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The applied model of incentive system (by the example of the enterprise of special mechanical engineering) D. Yu. Ivanov
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Administration of technological processes and productions
Optimization and selection of development systems of pools group of oil and gas fields A. I. Ermolaev, A. V. Akhmetzyanov, O. S. Grebennik
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Control of medicobiologic systems
The regional population health: models and control M. S. Tokmachev
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Information technologies controls
Two-node network model with unlimited queues for performance characteristics estimation and optimization of voice self-service portals M. P. Farkhadov, N. V. Petukhova, D. V. Efrosinin, O. V. Semenova
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Control the moving objects and navigation
Features of ballistics and navigation solutions for descent used in the control system of the manned transport spacecraft “Soyuz TMA” E. A. Mikrin, L. I. Komarova, I. V. Orlovsky, S. N. Evdokimov, A. I. Lukashevich
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The criterion of probability detecting on the trajectory in the problem of movement control in threat environment L. P. Sysoev
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Methods and ways of formal description of incompleteness of information in the initial data on designing of on-board terminal systems V. K. Zavadsky, V. P. Ivanov, E. B. Kablova, L. G. Clenovaya
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International scientific conference “Problems of regional and municipal control” N. G. Meshkova, A. B. Shelkov
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