Mathematical problems in management
An operational model for intuitive proofs A. S. Kleschev
2 |
On the theoretical incorrectness of the analytic hierarchy process V. V. Podinovski, O. V. Podinovskaya
8 |
Analysis and synthesis of control systems
Adaptive PID-controller for multi-moded (time-variant) plants with time delay M. V. Palenov
14 |
Control in the socio-economic systems
Reflexive partitionings method in the models of collective behaviour and control V. O. Korepanov, D. A. Novikov
21 |
Exotic call options with limited payments and guaranteed income in Black–Scholes model N. S. Dyomin, U. V. Andreeva
33 |
Organizational methods of investment solutions risks reduction V. K. Akinfiev, N. A. Korgin
40 |
On the issue of developing of intelligent control systems of complex organizational structures. (II). Software support for control system of the vertically integrated oil company investment activities A. S. Akopov
47 |
Administration of technological processes and productions
The system of rational resources allocation control on the basis of modernized method of consecutive appointments Y. T. Zyryanov, O. A. Konovalov, A. K. Malykov
55 |
Control of medicobiologic systems
A logic regression model for illness diagnostics D. K. Tyumikov, S. A. Blashentseva, A. M. Subbotin, N. N. Savchenkov
63 |
Information technologies controls
Configuration schedule problem for wireless sensor networks E. A. Nagradov
68 |
Control the moving objects and navigation
Method of nautical object control N. N. Tarasov, M. G. Tahtamyshev
74 |
The fifth international conference “Parallel computing and control problems” A. V. Akhmetzyanov, I. I. Ibragimov, V. G. Lebedev, V. S. Podlazov, Yu. S. Zatuliveter
78 |
“Control in technical systems” conference (CTS – 2010) I. V. Nikulina
81 |