Analysis and synthesis of control systems
Consideration of system uncontrollability for fault diagnosis problem solution A. N. Zhirabok, Ye. Yu. Bobko, A. I. Varnakov, A. M. Pisarets
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Active parametric identification of Gaussian discrete systems based on the time domain linearization and optimal control V. M. Chubich, O. S. Chernikova
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Linear approach to steady-state control problem for nonlinear normalized models E. K. Kornoushenko
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Methods for regularization and estimation of complexity of laws of discrete dynamic systems functioning A. S. Epifanov
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Computing problems of formation of degeneration functionals of complex systems with interval matrix components N. A. Dudarenko, M. V. Poljakova, A. V. Ushakov
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Control in the socio-economic systems
Models of opinion control for agents in social networks A. S. Zuev, D. N. Fedyanin
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Using resource networks to model substance distribution in aqueous medium L. Yu. Zhilyakova
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Exploring the existing approaches for evaluating the quality of university course timetables and description of the novel multi-criteria approach based on fuzzy logic A. N. Bezginov, S. Yu. Tregubov
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Control of medicobiologic systems
Diet restriction in fruit flies: control and modeling V. N. Novoseltsev, J. A. Novoseltseva
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Information technologies controls
Fuzzy finite state model of intelligent multimodal interface V. V. Devyatkov, A. N. Alfimtsev
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XVIII international conference “Problems of complex systems safety control” A. B. Shelkov
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