Methods for measuring voting power: state of the art K. B. Pogorelskiy
2 |
Systems analysis
On inverse problems of nonlinear system analysis. A behavioral approach V. A. Rusanov, L. V. Antonova, A. V. Daneev
14 |
Control in the socio-economic systems
Economic analysis of management dysfunctions of science intensive industry development V. V. Klochkov, A. V. Krel'
22 |
Mathematical models and algorithms for operational control of mail and cargo traffic in postal network Ju. A. Zak, E. B. Turok
32 |
Software project cost optimization under conditions of reactive rescheduling: task formalization A. B. Klimenko
40 |
Administration of engineering systems and technological processes
Technique of management of industrial assets for electrical network enterprises V. G. Kitushin, E. V. Ivanova
46 |
Automation of an accident reason search at float glass forming V. S. Domnich, V. A. Ivashenko, D. Y. Petrov
52 |
Control the moving objects and navigation
Methods of estimation of time of threats distribution in technical systems E. A. Mikrin, D. S. Somov
59 |
The diffuse bomb problem V. O. Korepanov, D. A. Novikov
66 |
Adaptive algorithm of attitude control for informational large-scale satellites with changing parameters I. N. Krutova, V. M. Sukhanov
74 |
High-precision control of nonstationary aircrafts by roll angle V. Yu. Rutkovsky, V. M. Glumov, V. M. Sukhanov
82 |