Non-Local Finite-Size Effects in the Dimer Model Nickolay Sh. Izmailian, Vyatcheslav B. Priezzhev, Philippe Ruelle
001 |
Raising and Lowering Operators for Askey–Wilson Polynomials S. Sahi
002 |
Elliptic Biorthogonal Polynomials Connected with Hermite's Continued Fraction Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
003 |
Construction of the Bethe State for the $\mathrm E_{\tau,\eta}(so_3)$ Elliptic Quantum Group Nenad Manojlović, Zoltán Nagy
004 |
Symmetry Operators for the Fokker–Plank–Kolmogorov Equation with Nonlocal Quadratic Nonlinearity Alexander V. Shapovalov, Roman O. Rezaev, Andrey Yu. Trifonov
005 |
Generalized Potts-Models and their Relevance for Gauge Theories Andreas Wipf, Thomas Heinzl, Tobias Kaestner, Christian Wozar
006 |
Multi-Hamiltonian Structures on Beauville's Integrable System and Its Variant Rei Inoue, Yukiko Konishi
007 |
The Virasoro Algebra and Some Exceptional Lie and Finite Groups Michael P. Tuite
008 |
Asymmetric Twin Representation: the Transfer Matrix Symmetry Anastasia Doikou
009 |
Modular Symmetry and Fractional Charges in $\mathcal N=2$ Supersymmetric Yang–Mills and the Quantum
Hall Effect Brian P. Dolan
010 |
Finite-Temperature Form Factors: a Review B. Doyon
011 |
Boundary Liouville Theory: Hamiltonian Description and Quantization Harald Dorn, George Jorjadze
012 |
Relativistic Toda Chain with Boundary Interaction at Root of Unity Nikolai Iorgov, Vladimir Roubtsov, Vitaly Shadura, Yuri Tykhyy
013 |
An Analytic Formula for the $\mathrm A_2$ Jack Polynomials Vladimir V. Mangazeev
014 |
KP Trigonometric Solitons and an Adelic Flag Manifold Luc Haine
015 |
Generalized Deformed Commutation Relations with Nonzero Minimal Uncertainties in Position and/or Momentum and Applications to Quantum Mechanics Christiane Quesne, Volodymyr M. Tkachuk
016 |
Separation of Variables and the Geometry of Jacobians Jacques Hurtubise
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Lattice Field Theory with the Sign Problem and the Maximum Entropy Method Masahiro Imachi, Yasuhiko Shinno, Hiroshi Yoneyama
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Nonlocal Symmetries and Generation of Solutions for Partial Differential Equations Valentyn Tychynin, Olga Petrova, Olesya Tertyshnyk
019 |
Clifford Algebra Derivations of Tau-Functions for Two-Dimensional Integrable Models with Positive and Negative Flows Henrik Aratyn, Johan van de Leur
020 |
Eigenvalues of Killing Tensors and Separable Webs on Riemannian and Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds Claudia Chanu, Giovanni Rastelli
021 |
Laurent Polynomials and Superintegrable Maps Andrew N. W. Hone
022 |
Antisymmetric Orbit Functions Anatoliy Klimyk, Jiri Patera
023 |
A Recursive Scheme of First Integrals of the Geodesic Flow of a Finsler Manifold Willy Sarlet
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Quantum Super-Integrable Systems as Exactly Solvable Models Allan P. Fordy
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Quantum Deformations and Superintegrable Motions on Spaces with Variable Curvature Orlando Ragnisco, Ángel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Fabio Musso
026 |
Deformation Quantization in White Noise Analysis Rémi Léandre
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Bethe Ansatz for the Ruijsenaars Model of $BC_1$-Type Oleg Chalykh
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The 6 Vertex Model and Schubert Polynomials Alain Lascoux
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A Super-Integrable Two-Dimensional Non-Linear Oscillator with an Exactly Solvable Quantum Analog José F. Cariñena, Manuel F. Rañada, Mariano Santander
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Singular Eigenfunctions of Calogero–Sutherland Type Systems and How to Transform Them into Regular Ones Edwin Langmann
031 |
A Note on the Rotationally Symmetric $\mathrm{SO}(4)$ Euler Rigid Body Gregorio Falqui
032 |
Continuous and Discrete (Classical) Heisenberg Spin Chain Revised Orlando Ragnisco, Federico Zullo
033 |
By Magri's Theorem, Self-Dual Gravity is Completely Integrable Yavuz Nutku
034 |
Charges in Gauge Theories D. McMullan
035 |
A “User-Friendly” Approach to the Dynamical Equations of Non-Holonomic Systems Sergio Benenti
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An Explicit Formula for Symmetric Polynomials Related to the Eigenfunctions of Calogero–Sutherland Models Martin Hallnäs
037 |
Towards Finite-Gap Integration of the Inozemtsev Model Kouichi Takemura
038 |
$N$-Wave Equations with Orthogonal Algebras: $\mathbb Z_2$ and $\mathbb Z_2\times\mathbb Z_2$ Reductions and Soliton Solutions Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Nikolay A. Kostov, Tihomir I. Valchev
039 |
$q$-Boson in Quantum Integrable Systems Anjan Kundu
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Phase Space of Rolling Solutions of the Tippe Top S. Torkel Glad, Daniel Petersson, Stefan Rauch-Wojciechowski
041 |
Hamiltonian Structure of PI Hierarchy Kanehisa Takasaki
042 |
A Journey Between Two Curves Sergey A. Cherkis
043 |
A Discretization of the Nonholonomic Chaplygin Sphere Problem Yuri N. Fedorov
044 |
Spectral Curves of Operators with Elliptic Coefficients J. Chris Eilbeck, Victor Z. Enolski, Emma Previato
045 |
Qualitative Analysis of the Classical and Quantum Manakov Top Evguenii Sinitsyn, Boris Zhilinskii
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Some Remarks on the KP System of the Camassa–Holm Hierarchy Giovanni Ortenzi
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Density of Eigenvalues of Random Normal Matrices with an Arbitrary Potential, and of Generalized Normal Matrices Pavel Etingof, Xiaoguang Ma
048 |
Reduction of Symplectic Lie Algebroids by a Lie Subalgebroid and a Symmetry Lie Group David Iglesias, Juan Carlos Marrero, David Martín de Diego, Eduardo Martínez, Edith Padrón
049 |
Lie Algebroids in Classical Mechanics and Optimal Control Eduardo Martínez
050 |
Geometry of Invariant Tori of Certain Integrable Systems with Symmetry and an Application to a Nonholonomic
System Francesco Fassò, Andrea Giacobbe
051 |
Polynomials Associated with Dihedral Groups Charles F. Dunkl
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Lie Symmetries and Criticality of Semilinear Differential Systems Yuri Bozhkov, Enzo Mitidieri
053 |
Bäcklund–Darboux Transformation for Non-Isospectral Canonical System and Riemann–Hilbert Problem Alexander Sakhnovich
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Eigenfunction Expansions of Functions Describing Systems with Symmetries Ivan Kachuryk, Anatoliy Klimyk
055 |
Macdonald Polynomials and Multivariable Basic Hypergeometric Series Michael J. Schlosser
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On the Applications of a New Technique to Solve Linear Differential Equations, with and without Source N. Gurappa, Pankaj K. Jha, Prasanta K. Panigrahi
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From $\mathfrak{su}(2)$ Gaudin Models to Integrable Tops Matteo Petrera, Orlando Ragnisco
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A Critical Phenomenon in Solitonic Ising Chains Igor M. Loutsenko, Vyacheslav P. Spiridonov
059 |
Generating Operator of XXX or Gaudin Transfer Matrices Has Quasi-Exponential Kernel Evgeny Mukhin, Vitaly Tarasov, Alexander Varchenko
060 |
Completely Integrable Systems Associated with Classical Root Systems Toshio Oshima
061 |
Weakly Nonlocal Hamiltonian Structures: Lie Derivative and Compatibility Artur Sergyeyev
062 |
The Relationship between Zhedanov's Algebra $AW(3)$ and the Double Affine Hecke Algebra in the Rank One Case Tom H. Koornwinder
063 |
Degenerate Series Representations of the $q$-Deformed Algebra $\mathrm{so}'_q(r,s)$ Valentyna A. Groza
064 |
The Rahman Polynomials Are Bispectral F. Alberto Grünbaum
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Teichmüller Theory of Bordered Surfaces Leonid O. Chekhov
066 |
Quadratic Algebra Approach to an Exactly Solvable Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation in Two Dimensions Christiane Quesne
067 |
Hidden Symmetries of Stochastic Models Boyka Aneva
068 |
Yangian of the Strange Lie Superalgebra of $Q_{n-1}$ Type, Drinfel'd Approach Vladimir Stukopin
069 |
Hamilton–Jacobi Theory and Moving Frames Joshua D. MacArthur, Raymond G. McLenaghan, Roman G. Smirnov
070 |
Exact Solutions for Equations of Bose–Fermi Mixtures in One-Dimensional Optical Lattice Nikolay A. Kostov, Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Tihomir I. Valchev
071 |
Skew Divided Difference Operators and Schubert Polynomials Anatol N. Kirillov
072 |
Do All Integrable Evolution Equations Have the Painlevé Property? K. M. Tamizhmani, Basil Grammaticos, Alfred Ramani
073 |
Vadim Kuznetsov. Informal Biography by Eyes of His First Adviser Igor V. Komarov
074 |
The Veldkamp Space of Two-Qubits Metod Saniga, Michel Planat, Petr Pracna, Hans Havlicek
075 |
$\mathrm{SU}_2$ Nonstandard Bases: Case of Mutually Unbiased Bases Olivier Albouy, Maurice R. Kibler
076 |
Global Stability of Dynamic Systems of High Order Mohammed Benalili, Azzedine Lansari
077 |
Paths and Tableaux Descriptions of Jacobi–Trudi Determinant Associated with Quantum Affine Algebra of Type $C_n$ Wakako Nakai, Tomoki Nakanishi
078 |
Clifford Algebras and Possible Kinematics Alan S. McRae
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Bäcklund Transformation for the BC-Type Toda Lattice Vadim Kuznetsov, Evgeny Sklyanin
080 |
Future Directions of Research in Geometry: A Summary of the Panel Discussion at the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference Edited by Lawrence J. Peterson
081 |
Monodromy of a Class of Logarithmic Connections on an Elliptic Curve Francois-Xavier Machu
082 |
Stability Analysis of Continuous Waves in Nonlocal Random Nonlinear Media Maxim A. Molchan
083 |
Monogenic Functions in Conformal Geometry Michael Eastwood, John Ryan
084 |
An Additive Basis for the Chow Ring of $\overline{\mathcal M}_{0,2}(\mathbb P^r,2)$ Jonathan A. Cox
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On Transformations of the Rabelo Equations Anton Sakovich, Sergei Sakovich
086 |
Quantum Information from Graviton-Matter Gas Lukasz-Andrzej Glinka
087 |
Complex Projection of Quasianti-Hermitian Quaternionic Hamiltonian Dynamics Giuseppe Scolarici
088 |
The Symmetric Tensor Lichnerowicz Algebra and a Novel Associative Fourier–Jacobi Algebra Karl Hallowell, Andrew Waldron
089 |
$Q$-Curvature, Spectral Invariants, and Representation Theory Thomas P. Branson
090 |
Dimensional Reduction of Conformal Tensors and Einstein–Weyl Spaces R. W. Jackiw
091 |
Miscellaneous Applications of Quons Maurice R. Kibler
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Heat Trace Asymptotics on Noncommutative Spaces Dmitri V. Vassilevich
093 |
Vacuum Energy as Spectral Geometry Stephen A. Fulling
094 |
Stanilov–Tsankov–Videv Theory Miguel Brozos-Vázquez, Bernd Fiedler, Eduardo García-Río, Peter Gilkey, Stana Nikčević, Grozio Stanilov, Yulian Tsankov, Ramón Vázquez-Lorenzo, Veselin Videv
095 |
Lagrangian Approach to Dispersionless KdV Hierarchy Amitava Choudhuri, B. Talukdar, U. Das
096 |
Differential Invariants of Conformal and Projective Surfaces Evelyne Hubert, Peter J. Olver
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Quantum Gravity: Unification of Principles and Interactions, and Promises of Spectral Geometry Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek, Giampiero Esposito, Matthias Lesch
098 |
From Holonomy of the Ising Model Form Factors to $n$-Fold Integrals and the Theory of Elliptic Curves Salah Boukraa, Saoud Hassani, Jean-Marie Maillard, Nadjah Zenine
099 |
Conformal Dirichlet–Neumann Maps and Poincaré–Einstein Manifolds A. Rod Gover
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Toeplitz Operators, Kähler Manifolds, and Line Bundles Tatyana Foth
101 |
Translation to Bundle Operators Thomas P. Branson, Doojin Hong
102 |
Geometric Linearization of Ordinary Differential Equations Asghar Qadir
103 |
Some Conformal Invariants from the Noncommutative Residue for Manifolds with Boundary William J. Ugalde
104 |
Wavelet-Based Quantum Field Theory Mikhail V. Altaisky
105 |
Biorthogonal Expansion of Non-Symmetric Jack Functions Siddhartha Sahi, G. Zhang
106 |
Singular Potentials in Quantum Mechanics and Ambiguity in the Self-Adjoint Hamiltonian Tamáas Fülöp
107 |
Straight Quantum Waveguide with Robin Boundary Conditions Martin Jílek
108 |
Quasi-Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Operators in Three Dimensions Mélisande Fortin Boisvert
109 |
Alternative Method for Determining the Feynman Propagator of a Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanical Problem Marcos Moshinsky, Emerson Sadurní, Adolfo del Campo
110 |
Curved Casimir Operators and the BGG Machinery Andreas Čap, Vladimír Soucek
111 |
Deformed Oscillators with Two Double (Pairwise) Degeneracies of Energy Levels Alexandre M. Gavrilik, Anastasiya P. Rebesh
112 |
Symmetries and Invariant Differential Pairings Michael G. Eastwood
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Some Sharp $L^2$ Inequalities for Dirac Type Operators Alexander Balinsky, John Ryan
114 |
Second-Order Approximate Symmetries of the Geodesic Equations for the Reissner–Nordström Metric and
Re-Scaling of Energy of a Test Particle Ibrar Hussain, Fazal M. Mahomed, Asghar Qadir
115 |
Exact Solutions of the Equations of Relativistic Hydrodynamics Representing Potential Flows Maxim S. Borshch, Valery I. Zhdanov
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Self-Localized Quasi-Particle Excitation in Quantum Electrodynamics and Its Physical Interpretation Ilya D. Feranchuk, Sergey I. Feranchuk
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On Gauss–Bonnet Curvatures Mohammed Larbi Labbi
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Branson's $Q$-curvature in Riemannian and Spin Geometry Oussama Hijazi, Simon Raulot
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Conformal Metrics with Constant $Q$-Curvature Andrea Malchiodi
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Conformal Powers of the Laplacian via Stereographic Projection C. Robin Graham
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Some Progress in Conformal Geometry Sun-Yung A. Chang, Jie Qing, Paul Yang
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Integrability and Diffeomorphisms on Target Space Christoph Adam, Joaquin Sanchez-Guillen, Andrzej Wereszczynski
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Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: Two Fixed Centers of Force M. A. González León, J. Mateos Guilarte, M. de la Torre Mayado
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WKB Approximation in Noncommutative Gravity Maja Buric, John Madore, George Zoupanos
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Faster than Hermitian Time Evolution Carl M. Bender
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On 1-Harmonic Functions Shihshu Walter Wei
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