On the Role of the Normalization Factors $\kappa_n$ and of the Pseudo-Metric $\mathcal P\neq\mathcal P^\dagger$ in Crypto-Hermitian Quantum Models Miloslav Znojil
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$E$-Orbit Functions Anatoliy U. Klimyk, Jiri Patera
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Affine Poisson Groups and WZW Model Ctirad Klimcík
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Generalized Symmetries of Massless Free Fields on Minkowski Space Juha Pohjanpelto, Stephen C. Anco
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Poisson Manifolds, Lie Algebroids, Modular Classes: a Survey Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach
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Symmetry Extensions and Their Physical Reasons in the Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Plasma Models Volodymyr B. Taranov
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Three Order Parameters in Quantum XZ Spin-Oscillator Models with Gibbsian Ground States Teunis C. Dorlas, Wolodymyr I. Skrypnik
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Models for Quadratic Algebras Associated with Second Order Superintegrable Systems in 2D E. G. Kalnins, Willard Miller. Jr., Sarah Post
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A Unified Model of Phantom Energy and Dark Matter Max Chaves, Douglas Singleton
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Global Attraction to Solitary Waves in Models Based on the Klein–Gordon Equation Alexander I. Komech, Andrew A. Komech
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Classical $R$-Operators and Integrable Generalizations of Thirring Equations Taras V. Skrypnik
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Preon Model and Family Replicated $E_6$ Unification Chitta Ranjan Das, Larisa V. Laperashvili
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Towards Unifying Structures in Higher Spin Gauge Symmetry Anders K. H. Bengtsson
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Symmetry Transformation in Extended Phase Space: the Harmonic Oscillator in the Husimi Representation Samira Bahrami, Sadolah Nasiri
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Quasi-Linear Algebras and Integrability (the Heisenberg Picture) Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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The Variational Principle for the Uniform Acceleration and Quasi-Spin in Two Dimensional Space-Time Roman Ya. Matsyuk
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Branching Laws for Some Unitary Representations of $\mathrm{SL}(4,\mathbb R)$ Bent Ørsted, Birgit Speh
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Two-Field Integrable Evolutionary Systems of the Third Order and Their Differential Substitutions Anatoly G.G. Meshkov, Maxim Ju. Balakhnev
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Single-Pole Interaction of the Particle with the String Milovan Vasilic, Marko Vojinovic
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An Infinite Dimensional Approach to the Third Fundamental Theorem of Lie Richard D. Bourgin, Thierry P. Robart
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On Parametrization of the Linear $\mathrm{GL}(4,C)$ and Unitary $\mathrm{SU}(4)$ Groups in Terms of Dirac
Matrices Victor M. Red'kov, Andrei A. Bogush, Natalia G. Tokarevskaya
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Hidden Symmetries of M-Theory and Its Dynamical Realization Alexei J. Nurmagambetov
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SUSY Quantum Hall Effect on Non-Anti-Commutative Geometry Kazuki Hasebe
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Effects of Quark Interactions on Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking by a Magnetic Field Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Alex H. Blin, João da Providência
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Free Field Construction of D-Branes in Rational Models of CFT and Gepner Models Sergei E. Parkhomenko
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Unified Gauge Theories and Reduction of Couplings: from Finiteness to Fuzzy Extra Dimensions Myriam Mondragón, George Zoupanos
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Applications of Group Analysis to the Three-Dimensional Equations of Fluids with Internal Inertia Piyanuch Siriwat, Sergey V. Meleshko
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Noncommutative Lagrange Mechanics Denis Kochan
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Reductions of Multicomponent mKdV Equations on Symmetric Spaces of DIII-Type Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Nikolay A. Kostov
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Geodesic Equations on Diffeomorphism Groups Cornelia Vizman
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Recent Applications of the Theory of Lie Systems in Ermakov Systems José F. Cariñena, Javier de Lucas, Manuel F. Rañada
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Equivariance, Variational Principles, and the Feynman Integral George Svetlichny
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The Fundamental $k$-Form and Global Relations Anthony C. L. Ashton
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Geometric Realizations of Bi-Hamiltonian Completely Integrable Systems Gloria Marí Beffa
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Relative differential $K$-characters Mohamed Maghfoul
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A Quartic Conformally Covariant Differential Operator for Arbitrary Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds (Summary) Stephen M. Paneitz
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The Research of Thomas P. Branson Michael G. Eastwood, A. Rod Gover
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Nonlinear Fokker–Planck Equation in the Model of Asset Returns Alexander Shapovalov, Andrey Trifonov, Elena Masalova
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Fine Gradings of Low-Rank Complex Lie Algebras and of Their Real Forms Milena Svobodová
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Quantum Dynamics on the Worldvolume from Classical $\mathrm{su}(n)$ Cohomology José M. Isidro, Pedro Fernández de Córdoba
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Integrable String Models in Terms of Chiral Invariants of $\mathrm{SU}(n)$, $\mathrm{SO}(n)$,
$\mathrm{SP}(n)$ Groups Victor D. Gershun
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Local Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras Shouchuan Zhang, Mark D. Gould, Yao-Zhong Zhang
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Riccati and Ermakov Equations in Time-Dependent and Time-Independent Quantum Systems Dieter Schuch
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Generalized Hasimoto Transform of One-Dimensional Dispersive Flows into Compact Riemann Surfaces Eiji Onodera
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Rapidities and Observable 3-Velocities in the Flat Finslerian Event Space with Entirely Broken 3D Isotropy George Yu. Bogoslovsky
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Hamiltonian Systems Inspired by the Schrödinger Equation Vasyl Kovalchuk, Jan Jerzy Slawianowski
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Field-Theoretic Weyl Deformation Quantization of Enlarged Poisson Algebras Reinhard Honegger, Alfred Rieckers, Lothar Schlafer
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Solvable Two-Body Dirac Equation as a Potential Model of Light Mesons Askold Duviryak
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Free Field Approach to Solutions of the Quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov Equations Kazunori Kuroki, Atsushi Nakayashiki
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Twin “Fano-Snowflakes” over the Smallest Ring of Ternions Metod Saniga, Hans Havlicek, Michel Planat, Petr Pracna
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Quantum Painlevé Equations: from Continuous to Discrete Hajime Nagoya, Basil Grammaticos, Alfred Ramani
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Zhedanov's Algebra $AW(3)$ and the Double Affine Hecke Algebra in the Rank One Case. II. The Spherical Subalgebra Tom H. Koornwinder
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Periodic and Solitary Travelling-Wave Solutions of an Extended Reduced Ostrovsky Equation E. John Parkes
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Wigner Distribution Functions and the Representation of Canonical Transformations in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics Dieter Schuch, Marcos Moshinsky
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Space-Time Diffeomorphisms in Noncommutative Gauge Theories Marcos Rosenbaum, J. David Vergara, L. Román Juarez
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Tridiagonal Symmetries of Models of Nonequilibrium Physics Boyka Aneva
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On Griess Algebras Michael Roitman
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Contact Geometry of Hyperbolic Equations of Generic Type Dennis The
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Projections of Singular Vectors of Verma Modules over Rank 2 Kac–Moody Lie Algebras Dmitry Fuchs, Constance Wilmarth
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Shoikhet's Conjecture and Duflo Isomorphism on (Co)Invariants Damien Calaque, Carlo A. Rossi
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Schwinger–Fronsdal Theory of Abelian Tensor Gauge Fields Sebastian Guttenberg, George Savvidy
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Isoparametric and Dupin Hypersurfaces Thomas E. Cecil
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Exterior Differential Systems for Yang–Mills Theories Frank B. Estabrook
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Hochschild Homology and Cohomology of Klein Surfaces Frédéric Butin
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$\mathfrak{sl}(2)$-Trivial Deformations of $\operatorname{Vect}_{\mathrm{Pol}}(\mathbb R)$-Modules of Symbols Mabrouk Ben Ammar, Maha Boujelbene
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Hochschild Cohomology Theories in White Noise Analysis Rémi Léandre
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Inversion Formulas for the Dunkl Intertwining Operator and Its Dual on Spaces of Functions and Distributions Khalifa Trimèche
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Wall Crossing, Discrete Attractor Flow and Borcherds Algebra Miranda C. N. Cheng, Erik P. Verlinde
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Homogeneous Poisson Structures on Loop Spaces of Symmetric Spaces Doug Pickrell
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The PBW Filtration, Demazure Modules and Toroidal Current Algebras Evgeny Feigin
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Einstein Gravity, Lagrange–Finsler Geometry, and Nonsymmetric Metrics Sergiu I. Vacaru
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A Jacobson Radical Decomposition of the Fano-Snowflake Configuration Metod Saniga, Petr Pracna
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Solutions Classification to the Extended Reduced Ostrovsky Equation Yury A. Stepanyants
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First Hitting Time of the Boundary of the Weyl Chamber by Radial Dunkl Processes Nizar Demni
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Generalized Bessel function of Type $D$ Nizar Demni
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Liouville Theorem for Dunkl Polyharmonic Functions Guangbin Ren, Liang Liu
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On Miura Transformations and Volterra-Type Equations Associated with the Adler–Bobenko–Suris Equations Decio Levi, Matteo Petrera, Christian Scimiterna, Ravil Yamilov
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Deligne–Beilinson Cohomology and Abelian Link Invariants Enore Guadagnini, Frank Thuillier
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Non-Gatherable Triples for Non-Affine Root Systems Ivan Cherednik, Keith Schneider
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Analyticity of the Free Energy of a Closed 3-Manifold Stavros Garoufalidis, Thang T. Q. Lê, Marcos Mariño
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Generating Series for Nested Bethe Vectors Sergey Khoroshkin, Stanislav Pakuliak
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Some Orthogonal Polynomials in Four Variables Charles F. Dunkl
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A Limit Relation for Dunkl–Bessel Functions of Type A and B Margit Rösler, Michael Voit
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Dunkl Hyperbolic Equations Hatem Mejjaoli
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String Functions for Affine Lie Algebras Integrable Modules Petr Kulish, Vladimir Lyakhovsky
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Vertex Algebroids over Veronese Rings Fyodor Malikov
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The $N=1$ Triplet Vertex Operator Superalgebras: Twisted Sector Drazen Adamovic, Antun Milas
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Geodesically Complete Lorentzian Metrics on Some Homogeneous 3 Manifolds Shirley Bromberg, Alberto Medina
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A Probablistic Origin for a New Class of Bivariate Polynomials Michael R. Hoare, Mizan Rahman
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Symmetries of Spin Calogero Models Vincent Caudrelier, Nicolas Crampé
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External Ellipsoidal Harmonics for the Dunkl–Laplacian H. Volkmer
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Sonine Transform Associated to the Dunkl Kernel on the Real Line Fethi Soltani
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An Alternative Definition of the Hermite Polynomials Related to the Dunkl Laplacian Hendrik De Bie
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