Geometry of Centroaffine Surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^5$ Nathaniel Bushek, Jeanne N. Clelland
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Lowest Weight Representations, Singular Vectors and Invariant Equations for a Class of Conformal Galilei Algebras Naruhiko Aizawa, Radhakrishnan Chandrashekar, Jambulingam Segar
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Galois Groups of Difference Equations of Order Two on Elliptic Curves Thomas Dreyfus, Julien Roques
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Hilbert–Schmidt Operators vs. Integrable Systems of Elliptic Calogero–Moser Type IV. The Relativistic Heun (van Diejen) Case Simon N. M. Ruijsenaars
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Bosonizations of $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2$ and Integrable Hierarchies Bojko Bakalov, Daniel Fleisher
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Local Properties of Measures in Quantum Field Theory and Cosmology José M. Velhinho
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On a Certain Subalgebra of $U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2)$ Related to the Degenerate $q$-Onsager Algebra Tomoya Hattai, Tatsuro Ito
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Ambiguities in a Problem in Planar Geodesy Josef Schicho, Matteo Gallet
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Lagrangian Reduction on Homogeneous Spaces with Advected Parameters Cornelia Vizman
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Pseudo-Exponential-Type Solutions of Wave Equations Depending on Several Variables Bernd Fritzsche, Bernd Kirstein, Inna Ya. Roitberg, Alexander L. Sakhnovich
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Rank 2 Nichols Algebras of Diagonal Type over Fields of Positive Characteristic Jing Wang, István Heckenberger
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The Quantum Pair of Pants Slawomir Klimek, Matt McBride, Sumedha Rathnayake, Kaoru Sakai
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A Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks on the Dual of a Compact Grassmannian Margit Rösler, Michael Voit
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Generalized Convolution Roots of Positive Definite Kernels on Complex Spheres Victor S. Barbosa, Valdir A. Menegatto
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Fourier and Gegenbauer Expansions for a Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation in Hyperspherical Geometry Howard S. Cohl, Rebekah M. Palmer
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Extension Fullness of the Categories of Gelfand–Zeitlin and Whittaker Modules Kevin Coulembier, Volodymyr Mazorchuk
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On the Killing form of Lie Algebras in Symmetric Ribbon Categories Igor Buchberger, Jürgen Fuchs
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Irreducible Generic Gelfand–Tsetlin Modules of $\mathfrak{gl}(n)$ Vyacheslav Futorny, Dimitar Grantcharov, Luis Enrique Ramirez
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Vertex Algebras $\mathcal{W}(p)^{A_m}$ and $\mathcal{W}(p)^{D_m}$ and Constant Term Identities Dražen Adamović, Xianzu Lin, Antun Milas
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Long-Time Asymptotics for the Defocusing Integrable Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation II Hideshi Yamane
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Schur Superpolynomials: Combinatorial Definition and Pieri Rule Olivier Blondeau-Fournier, Pierre Mathieu
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Dynamics on Networks of Manifolds Lee Deville, Eugene Lerman
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Non-Schlesinger Isomonodromic Deformations of Fuchsian Systems and Middle Convolution Yulia Bibilo, Galina Filipuk
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The Feigin Tetrahedron Dylan Rupel
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Metaplectic-c Quantomorphisms Jennifer Vaughan
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On the $q$-Charlier Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials Jorge Arvesú, Andys M. Ramírez-Aberasturis
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An Integrability Condition for Simple Lie Groups II Maung Min-Oo
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Darboux Transformations for $(2+1)$-Dimensional Extensions of the KP Hierarchy Oleksandr Chvartatskyi, Yuriy Sydorenko
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Exact $\mathrm{M}$-Theory Solutions, Integrable Systems, and Superalgebras Eric D'Hoker
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Skein Modules from Skew Howe Duality and Affine Extensions Hoel Queffelec
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Invariants and Infinitesimal Transformations for Contact Sub-Lorentzian Structures on 3-Dimensional Manifolds Marek Grochowski, Ben Warhurst
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Three-Phase Freak Waves Aleksandr O. Smirnov, Sergei G. Matveenko, Sergei K. Semenov, Elena G. Semenova
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Cluster Variables on Certain Double Bruhat Cells of Type $(u,e)$ and Monomial Realizations of Crystal Bases of Type A Yuki Kanakubo, Toshiki Nakashima
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A Cohomological Proof that Real Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras Have $\mathbb{Q}$-Forms Dave Witte Morris
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On a Quantization of the Classical $\theta$-Functions Yurii V. Brezhnev
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The Stokes Phenomenon and Some Applications Marius van der Put
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Quantum Integrals for a Semi-Infinite $q$-Boson System with Boundary Interactions Jan Felipe van Diejen, Erdal Emsiz
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Invariant Classification and Limits of Maximally Superintegrable Systems in 3D Joshua J. Capel, Jonathan M. Kress, Sarah Post
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The Combinatorics of Associated Laguerre Polynomials Jang Soo Kim, Dennis Stanton
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From Twisted Quantum Loop Algebras to Twisted Yangians Patrick Conner, Nicolas Guay
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Cyclic Homology and Quantum Orbits Tomasz Maszczyk, Serkan Sütlü
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Simplex and Polygon Equations Aristophanes Dimakis, Folkert Müller-Hoissen
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Structure Relations and Darboux Contractions for 2D 2nd Order Superintegrable Systems Robin Heinonen, Ernest G. Kalnins, Willard Miller Jr., Eyal Subag
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Time and Band Limiting for Matrix Valued Functions, an Example F. Alberto Grünbaum, Inés Pacharoni, Ignacio Nahuel Zurrián
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Non-Integrability of Some Higher-Order Painlevé Equations in the Sense of Liouville Ognyan Christov, Georgi Georgiev
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On the Integrability of Supersymmetric Versions of the Structural Equations for Conformally Parametrized Surfaces Sébastien Bertrand, Alfred M. Grundland, Alexander J. Hariton
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Higher Order Deformations of Complex Structures Eric D'Hoker, Duong H. Phong
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General Boundary Formulation for $n$-Dimensional Classical Abelian Theory with Corners Homero G. Díaz-Maríin
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A Combinatorial Formula for Certain Elements of Upper Cluster Algebras Kyungyong Lee, Li Li, Matthew R. Mills
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Embeddings of the Racah Algebra into the Bannai–Ito Algebra Vincent X. Genest, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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From Jack to Double Jack Polynomials via the Supersymmetric Bridge Luc Lapointe, Pierre Mathieu
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Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the Generalized Virasoro Constraints Francisco José Plaza Martín
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Constructing Involutive Tableaux with Guillemin Normal Form Abraham D. Smith
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Eigenvalue Estimates of the ${\mathop{\rm spin}^c}$ Dirac Operator and Harmonic Forms on Kähler–Einstein Manifolds Roger Nakad, Mihaela Pilca
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Non-Compact Symplectic Toric Manifolds Yael Karshon, Eugene Lerman
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From Polygons to Ultradiscrete Painlevé Equations Christopher Michael Ormerod, Yasuhiko Yamada
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Racah Polynomials and Recoupling Schemes of $\mathfrak{su}(1,1)$ Sarah Post
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Modular Classes of Lie Groupoid Representations up to Homotopy Rajan Amit Mehta
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A Perturbation of the Dunkl Harmonic Oscillator on the Line Jesús A. Álvarez López, Manuel Calaza, Carlos Franco
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$T$-Path Formula and Atomic Bases for Cluster Algebras of Type $D$ Emily Gunawan, Gregg Musiker
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Confluent Chains of DBT: Enlarged Shape Invariance and New Orthogonal Polynomials Yves Grandati, Christiane Quesne
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Topological Monodromy of an Integrable Heisenberg Spin Chain Jeremy Lane
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${\rm GL}(3)$-Based Quantum Integrable Composite Models. I. Bethe Vectors Stanislav Pakuliak, Eric Ragoucy, Nikita A. Slavnov
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${\rm GL}(3)$-Based Quantum Integrable Composite Models. II. Form Factors of Local Operators Stanislav Pakuliak, Eric Ragoucy, Nikita A. Slavnov
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A CA Hybrid of the Slow-to-Start and the Optimal Velocity Models and its Flow-Density Relation Hideaki Ujino, Tetsu Yajima
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Computation of Composition Functions and Invariant Vector Fields in Terms of Structure Constants of Associated Lie Algebras Alexey A. Magazev, Vitaly V. Mikheyev, Igor V. Shirokov
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Harmonic Analysis and Free Field Realization of the Takiff Supergroup of $\mathrm{GL}(1|1)$ Andrei Babichenko, Thomas Creutzig
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Dynamics on Wild Character Varieties Emmanuel Paul, Jean-Pierre Ramis
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Harmonic Maps into Homogeneous Spaces According to a Darboux Homogeneous Derivative Alexandre J. Santana, Simão N. Stelmastchuk
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Uniform Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials Arising from Coherent States Dan Dai, Weiying Hu, Xiang-Sheng Wang
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Path Integrals on Euclidean Space Forms Guillermo Capobianco, Walter Reartes
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(Co)isotropic Pairs in Poisson and Presymplectic Vector Spaces Jonathan Lorand, Alan Weinstein
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Potential and Sobolev Spaces Related to Symmetrized Jacobi Expansions Bartosz Langowski
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Fractional Integral and Generalized Stieltjes Transforms for Hypergeometric Functions as Transmutation Operators Tom H. Koornwinder
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An Asymmetric Noncommutative Torus Ludwik Dąbrowski, Andrzej Sitarz
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Weil Representation of a Generalized Linear Group over a Ring of Truncated Polynomials over a Finite Field Endowed with a Second Class Involution Luis Gutiérrez Frez, José Pantoja
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Moments and Legendre–Fourier Series for Measures Supported on Curves Jean B. Lasserre
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$\mathcal{D}$-Pseudo-Bosons, Complex Hermite Polynomials, and Integral Quantization S. Twareque Ali, Fabio Bagarello, Jean Pierre Gazeau
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Lie Algebroids in the Loday–Pirashvili Category Ana Rovi
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Structure Preserving Discretizations of the Liouville Equation and their Numerical Tests Decio Levi, Luigi Martina, Pavel Winternitz
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Monge–Ampère Systems with Lagrangian Pairs Goo Ishikawa, Yoshinori Machida
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Equivariant Join and Fusion of Noncommutative Algebras Ludwik Dąbrowski, Tom Hadfield, Piotr M. Hajac
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Certain Integrals Arising from Ramanujan's Notebooks Bruce C. Berndt, Armin Straub
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Fast Basins and Branched Fractal Manifolds of Attractors of Iterated Function Systems Michael F. Barnsley, Andrew Vince
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On Integrable Perturbations of Some Nonholonomic Systems Andrey V. Tsiganov
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BiHom-Associative Algebras, BiHom-Lie Algebras and BiHom-Bialgebras Giacomo Graziani, Abdenacer Makhlouf, Claudia Menini, Florin Panaite
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Bispectrality of $N$-Component KP Wave Functions: A Study in Non-Commutativity Alex Kasman
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Examples of Complete Solvability of 2D Classical Superintegrable Systems Yuxuan Chen, Ernie G. Kalnins, Qiushi Li, Willard Miller Jr.
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On the Relationship between Two Notions of Compatibility for Bi-Hamiltonian Systems Manuele Santoprete
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Graded Bundles in the Category of Lie Groupoids Andrew James Bruce, Katarzyna Grabowska, Janusz Grabowski
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Populations of Solutions to Cyclotomic Bethe Equations Alexander Varchenko, Charles A. S. Young
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Differential Galois Theory and Lie Symmetries David Blázquez-Sanz, Juan J. Morales-Ruiz, Jacques-Arthur Weil
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Post-Lie Algebras and Isospectral Flows Kurush Ebrahimi-Fard, Alexander Lundervold, Igor Mencattini, Hans Z. Munthe-Kaas
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Extended Hamiltonians, Coupling-Constant Metamorphosis and the Post–Winternitz System Claudia Maria Chanu, Luca Degiovanni, Giovanni Rastelli
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Rigorous Asymptotics for the Lamé and Mathieu Functions and their Respective Eigenvalues with a Large Parameter Karen Ogilvie, Adri B. Olde Daalhuis
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Harmonic Oscillator on the $\mathrm{SO}(2,2)$ Hyperboloid Davit R. Petrosyan, George S. Pogosyan
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Multispecies Weighted Hurwitz Numbers J. Harnad
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A Classical Limit of Noumi's $q$-Integral Operator Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin, Daniel Remenik
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Slavnov and Gaudin–Korepin Formulas for Models without $\mathrm{U}(1)$ Symmetry: the Twisted XXX Chain Samuel Belliard, Rodrigo A. Pimenta
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Tableau Formulas for One-Row Macdonald Polynomials of Types $C_n$ and $D_n$ Boris Feigin, Ayumu Hoshino, Masatoshi Noumi, Jun Shibahara, Jun'ichi Shiraishi
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Hankel Determinants of Zeta Values Alan Haynes, Wadim Zudilin
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