Tau Function and Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials Dmitry Korotkin, Peter Zograf
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Voros Coefficients at the Origin and at the Infinity of the Generalized Hypergeometric Differential Equations with a Large Parameter Takashi Aoki, Shofu Uchida
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A Unified View on Geometric Phases and Exceptional Points in Adiabatic Quantum Mechanics Eric J. Pap, Daniël Boer, Holger Waalkens
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Ladder Operators and Hidden Algebras for Shape Invariant Nonseparable and Nondiagonalizable Models with Quadratic Complex Interaction. I. Two-Dimensional Model Ian Marquette, Christiane Quesne
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Ladder Operators and Hidden Algebras for Shape Invariant Nonseparable and Nondiagonalizable Models with Quadratic Complex Interaction. II. Three-Dimensional Model Ian Marquette, Christiane Quesne
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Novikov–Veselov Symmetries of the Two-Dimensional $O(N)$ Sigma Model Igor Krichever, Nikita Nekrasov
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Scaling Limits of Planar Symplectic Ensembles Gernot Akemann, Sung-Soo Byun, Nam-Gyu Kang
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Simplified Forms of the Transition Probabilities of the Two-Species ASEP with Some Initial Orders of Particles Eunghyun Lee, Temirlan Raimbekov
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Twisted Traces and Positive Forms on Generalized $q$-Weyl Algebras Daniil Klyuev
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Relationships Between Hyperelliptic Functions of Genus $2$ and Elliptic Functions Takanori Ayano, Victor M. Buchstaber
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Explicit Triangular Decoupling of the Separated Lichnerowicz Tensor Wave Equation on Schwarzschild into Scalar Regge–Wheeler Equations Igor Khavkine
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A Quantum $0-\infty$ Law Michel Bauer
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Modular Ordinary Differential Equations on $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ of Third Order and Applications Zhijie Chen, Chang-Shou Lin, Yifan Yang
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$q$-Selberg Integrals and Koornwinder Polynomials Jyoichi Kaneko
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An Atiyah Sequence for Noncommutative Principal Bundles Kay Schwieger, Stefan Wagner
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Celestial $w_{1+\infty}$ Symmetries from Twistor Space Tim Adamo, Lionel Mason, Atul Sharma
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The Exponential Map for Hopf Algebras Ghaliah Alhamzi, Edwin Beggs
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Algebras of Non-Local Screenings and Diagonal Nichols Algebras Ilaria Flandoli, Simon D. Lentner
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Classification of the Orthogonal Separable Webs for the Hamilton–Jacobi and Klein–Gordon Equations on 3-Dimensional Minkowski Space Carlos Valero, Raymond G. McLenaghan
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A Note on Multi-Oriented Graph Complexes and Deformation Quantization of Lie Bialgebroids Kevin Morand
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On the Quantum K-Theory of the Quintic Stavros Garoufalidis, Emanuel Scheidegger
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Deformed Quantum Phase Spaces, Realizations, Star Products and Twists Stjepan Meljanac, Rina Štrajn
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Post-Lie Magnus Expansion and BCH-Recursion Mahdi J. Hasan Al-Kaabi, Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard, Dominique Manchon
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Accessory Parameters for Four-Punctured Spheres Gabriele Bogo
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Unrestricted Quantum Moduli Algebras. I. The Case of Punctured Spheres Stéphane Baseilhac, Philippe Roche
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Cohomology of $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ and $\mathfrak{gl}_3$ with Coefficients in Simple Modules and Weyl Modules in Positive Characteristics Sherali Sh. Ibraev
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Twistor Theory of Dancing Paths Maciej Dunajski
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Pullback Coherent States, Squeezed States and Quantization Rukmini Dey, Kohinoor Ghosh
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A Characterisation of Smooth Maps into a Homogeneous Space Anthony D. Blaom
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Deformations of Dimer Models Akihiro Higashitani, Yusuke Nakajima
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Spinors in Five-Dimensional Contact Geometry Michael Eastwood, Timothy Moy
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Properties of the Non-Autonomous Lattice Sine-Gordon Equation: Consistency around a Broken Cube Property Nobutaka Nakazono
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Computation of Weighted Bergman Inner Products on Bounded Symmetric Domains and Restriction to Subgroups Ryosuke Nakahama
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Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev Invariants, Homological Blocks, and Quantum Modular Forms for Unimodular Plumbing H-Graphs Akihito Mori, Yuya Murakami
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The Generalized Fibonacci Oscillator as an Open Quantum System Franco Fagnola, Chul Ki Ko, Hyun Jae Yoo
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A Combinatorial Description of Certain Polynomials Related to the XYZ Spin Chain. II. The Polynomials $p_n$ Linnea Hietala
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Reduction of the 2D Toda Hierarchy and Linear Hodge Integrals Si-Qi Liu, Zhe Wang, Youjin Zhang
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Geometrical Aspects of the Hamiltonization Problem of Dynamical Systems Misael Avendaño-Camacho, Claudio César García-Mendoza, José Crispín Ruiz-Pantaleón, Eduardo Velasco-Barreras
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Doubly Exotic $N$th-Order Superintegrable Classical Systems Separating in Cartesian Coordinates İsmet Yurduşen, Adrián Mauricio Escobar-Ruiz, Irlanda Palma y Meza Montoya
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Dirac Operators for the Dunkl Angular Momentum Algebra Kieran Calvert, Marcelo De Martino
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Expansion for a Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation in Flat-Ring Cyclide Coordinates Lijuan Bi, Howard S. Cohl, Hans Volkmer
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Relating Stated Skein Algebras and Internal Skein Algebras Benjamin Haioun
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Difference Equation for Quintic $3$-Fold Yaoxinog Wen
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Field Calculus: Quantum and Statistical Field Theory without the Feynman Diagrams John E. Gough
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From Twistor-Particle Models to Massive Amplitudes Giulia Albonico, Yvonne Geyer, Lionel Mason
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Tropical Mirror Symmetry in Dimension One Janko Böhm, Christoph Goldner, Hannah Markwig
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Determinantal Formulas for Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials Brian Simanek
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On the Monodromy Invariant Hermitian Form for $A$-Hypergeometric Systems Carlo Verschoor
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Functional Equations Solving Initial-Value Problems of Complex Burgers-Type Equations for One-Dimensional Log-Gases Taiki Endo, Makoto Katori, Noriyoshi Sakuma
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Spherical Representations of $C^*$-Flows II: Representation System and Quantum Group Setup Yoshimichi Ueda
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Quantum Toroidal Comodule Algebra of Type $A_{n-1}$ and Integrals of Motion Boris Feigin, Michio Jimbo, Evgeny Mukhin
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Maximal Discrete Subgroups in Unitary Groups of Operator Algebras Vadim Alekseev, Andreas Thom
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Pathlike Co/Bialgebras and their Antipodes with Applications to Bi- and Hopf Algebras Appearing in Topology, Number Theory and Physics Ralph M. Kaufmann, Yang Mo
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Deformations and Cohomologies of Relative Rota–Baxter Operators on Lie Algebroids and Koszul–Vinberg Structures Meijun Liu, Jiefeng Liu, Yunhe Sheng
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Mirror Symmetry for Truncated Cluster Varieties Benjamin Gammage, Ian Le
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$q$-Middle Convolution and $q$-Painlevé Equation Shoko Sasaki, Shun Takagi, Kouichi Takemura
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Equivariant Coarse (Co-)Homology Theories Christopher Wulff
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Systolic Inequalities for Compact Quotients of Carnot Groups with Popp's Volume Kenshiro Tashiro
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Node Polynomials for Curves on Surfaces Steven Kleiman, Ragni Piene
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The Gauge Group and Perturbation Semigroup of an Operator System Rui Dong
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Big and Nef Tautological Vector Bundles over the Hilbert Scheme of Points Dragos Oprea
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Geometric Models and Variation of Weights on Moduli of Parabolic Higgs Bundles over the Riemann Sphere: a Case Study Claudio Meneses
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A Path-Counting Analysis of Phase Shifts in Box-Ball Systems Nicholas M. Ercolani, Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
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Mapping Class Group Representations Derived from Stated Skein Algebras Julien Korinman
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Tuning Co- and Contra-Variant Transforms: the Heisenberg Group Illustration Amerah A. Al Ameer, Vladimir V. Kisil
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Smooth Multisoliton Solutions of a 2-Component Peakon System with Cubic Nonlinearity Nianhua Li, Q. P. Liu
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De Finetti Theorems for the Unitary Dual Group Isabelle Baraquin, Guillaume Cébron, Uwe Franz, Laura Maassen, Moritz Weber
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Universal Structures in $\mathbb C$-Linear Enumerative Invariant Theories Jacob Gross, Dominic Joyce, Yuuji Tanaka
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Freezing Limits for Beta-Cauchy Ensembles Michael Voit
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Bimodule Connections for Relative Line Modules over the Irreducible Quantum Flag Manifolds Alessandro Carotenuto, Réamonn Ó Buachalla
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Spatial Markov Semigroups Admit Hudson–Parthasarathy Dilations Michael Skeide
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Quadratic Relations of the Deformed $W$-Algebra for the Twisted Affine Lie Algebra of Type $A_{2N}^{(2)}$ Takeo Kojima
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Monotone Cumulant-Moment Formula and Schröder Trees Octavio Arizmendi, Adrian Celestino
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The Generalized Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick Model and the Modified Algebraic Bethe Ansatz Taras Skrypnyk
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Categorial Independence and Lévy Processes Malte Gerhold, Stephanie Lachs, Michael Schürmann
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Universality of Descendent Integrals over Moduli Spaces of Stable Sheaves on $K3$ Surfaces Georg Oberdieck
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Affine Kac–Moody Algebras and Tau-Functions for the Drinfeld–Sokolov Hierarchies: the Matrix-Resolvent Method Boris Dubrovin, Daniele Valeri, Di Yang
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K-Theoretic Descendent Series for Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces Noah Arbesfeld
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Noncolliding Macdonald Walks with an Absorbing Wall Leonid Petrov
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Connection Problem for an Extension of $q$-Hypergeometric Systems Takahiko Nobukawa
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Difference Operators and Duality for Trigonometric Gaudin and Dynamical Hamiltonians Filipp Uvarov
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Entropy of Generating Series for Nonlinear Input-Output Systems and Their Interconnections W. Steven Gray
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Markovianity and the Thompson Group $F$ Claus Köstler, Arundhathi Krishnan
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Three Examples in the Dynamical Systems Theory Mikhail B. Sevryuk
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Character Vectors of Strongly Regular Vertex Operator Algebras Cameron Franc, Geoffrey Mason
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The Weighted Ambient Metric Jeffrey Case, Ayush Khaitan
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ADE Bundles over Surfaces Yunxia Chen, Naichung Conan Leung
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On Gorenstein Fano Threefolds with an Action of a Two-Dimensional Torus Andreas Bäuerle, Jürgen Hausen
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Rooted Clusters for Graph LP Algebras Esther Banaian, Sunita Chepuri, Elizabeth Kelley, Sylvester W. Zhang
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A Representation-Theoretic Approach to $qq$-Characters Henry Liu
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Ray–Singer Torsion and the Rumin Laplacian on Lens Spaces Akira Kitaoka
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Seven Concepts Attributed to Siméon-Denis Poisson Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach
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Topology of Almost Complex Structures on Six-Manifolds Gustavo Granja, Aleksandar Milivojević
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Equivalent Integrable Metrics on the Sphere with Quartic Invariants Andrey V. Tsiganov
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Virtual Classes of Representation Varieties of Upper Triangular Matrices via Topological Quantum Field Theories Márton Hablicsek, Jesse Vogel
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On the Signature of a Path in an Operator Algebra Nicolas Gilliers, Carlo Bellingeri
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Weil Classes and Decomposable Abelian Fourfolds Bert van Geemen
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Complementary Modules of Weierstrass Canonical Forms Jiryo Komeda, Shigeki Matsutani, Emma Previato
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The Linear Span of Uniform Matrix Product States Claudia De Lazzari, Harshit J. Motwani, Tim Seynnaeve
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