On Modeling a nonlinear integral regulator on the base of the Volterra equations A. S. Andreev, O. A. Peregudova, S. Y. Rakov
8 |
The complexity of some graph problems with bounded minors of their constraint matrices D. V. Gribanov, D. S. Malyshev
19 |
Straightforward expansion of non-autonomous integrals for quasi-conservative systems with one degree of freedom N. V. Kovalev
32 |
Graph topological equivalence criterion for $\Omega$-stable flows on surfaces V. E. Kruglov, O. V. Pochinka
41 |
About destabilization of equilibrium point is caused by linear and quadratic forces of viscous friction A. Yu. Mayorov
49 |
The branching of periodic solutions of inhomogeneous linear differential equations with a the perturbation in the form of small linear term with delay P. A. Shamanaev, B. V. Loginov
61 |
Nonlocal problem for a mixed type fourth order differential equation in three dimensional domain T. K. Yuldashev, A. V. Bagrova
70 |
Applied mathematics and mechanics
Investigation of stability of viscoelastic element of construction in supersonic flow A. V. Ankilov, P. A. Vel'misov
80 |
Construction of periodic solutions equations of motion of a viscous fluid with a predetermined pressure gradient M. S. Deryabina, S. I. Martynov
91 |
Using WENO schemes in mathematical modeling of gas mixture’s dynamics by the example of ethane pyrolysis R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, O. A. Stadnichenko, V. F. Tishkin
98 |
Mathematical modeling and computer science
On Modeling the controlled mechanical systems with digital controllers A. S. Andreev, K. A. Kudashova
107 |
Mathematical modeling of the low-temperature steam reforming of propane in the presence of methane over Ni-based catalyst L. F. Akhmadullina, L. V. Enikeeva, A. V. Novichkova, I. M. Gubaydullin, D. I. Potemkin, P. V. Snytnikov
117 |
The configuration of the variable cross-section channel allowed reflectionless propagation of internal waves in the ocean A. V. Bagaev, E. N. Pelinovsky
127 |
Optimal control and optimum sensitivity in problems of chemical kinetics S. N. Koledin, K. F. Koledina
137 |
Solution of inverse problem of chemical kinetics of synthesis reaction benzylidenebenzylamine A. A. Mazitov, A. G. Osipova, I. V. Akhmetov, I. M. Gubaydullin
145 |
Identification and informativity of models for quantitative analysis of multicomponent mixtures S. I. Spivak, O. G. Kantor, D. S. Yunusova
153 |
Mathematical Events
Владимир Фёдорович Тишкин – поздравление с избранием членом-корреспондентом РАН
164 |
Иван Иванович Чучаев (к семидесятилетию со дня рождения)
165 |