On logarithmic Hölder condition and local extrema of power Takagi functions O. E. Galkin, S. Yu. Galkina, O. M. Mulyar
223 |
Estimating the Lebesgue constant for the Chebyshev distribution of nodes O. V. Germider, V. N. Popov
242 |
Numerical study of the rate of convergence of Chernoff approximations to solutions of the heat equation K. A. Dragunova, N. Nikbakht, I. D. Remizov
255 |
Superstructures over Cartesian products of orientation-preserving rough circle transformations S. Kh. Zinina, A. A. Nozdrinov, V. I. Shmukler
273 |
On the similarity over the ring of integers of certain nilpotent matrices of maximal rank S. V. Sidorov, G. V. Utkin
284 |
On the stability of a nonlinear nonautonomous scalar equation with variable delay J. Kh. Khusanov, A. E. Kaxxorov
299 |
Applied mathematics and mechanics
Nonlinear mathematical model of pressure measurement systems in gas-liquid media P. A. Vel'misov, Yu. A. Tamarova
313 |
Nonholonomic mechanical systems on a plane with a variable slope E. A. Mikishanina
326 |
Mathematical modeling and computer science
Investigation of different influence functions in peridynamics Yu. N. Deryugin, M. V. Vetchinnikov, D. A. Shishkanov
342 |
Numerical model of vapor-air-diesel autothermal reformer A. R. Yapparova, T. V. Markelova, P. V. Snytnikov
361 |