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3 papers
Generalized Rauzy tilings and bounded remainder sets
A. V. Shutov Khabarovsk Division of the Institute for Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk)
Rauzy introduced a fractal set associted with the toric shift by
the vector
$(\beta^{-1},\beta^{-2})$, where
$\beta$ is the real
root of the equation
$\beta^3=\beta^2+\beta+1$. He show that this
fractal can be partitioned into three fractal sets that are
bounded remaider sets with respect to the considered toric shift.
Later, the introduced set was named as the Rauzy fractal. Further,
many generalizations of Rauzy fractal are discovered. There are
many applications of the generalized Rauzy fractals to problems in
number theory, dynamical systems and combinatorics.
Zhuravlev propose an infinite sequence of tilings of the original
Rauzy fractal and show that these tilings also consist of bounded
remainder sets. In this paper we consider the problem of
constructing similar tilings for the generalized Rauzy fractals
associated with algebraic Pisot units.
We introduce an infinite sequence of tilings of the
$d-1$-dimensional Rauzy fractals associated with the algebraic
Pisot units of the degree
$d$ into fractal sets of
$d$ types. Each
subsequent tiling is a subdivision of the previous one. Some
results describing the self-similarity properties of the
introduced tilings are proved.
Also, it is proved that the introduced tilings are so called
generalized exchanding tilings with respect to some toric shift.
In particular, the action of this shift on the tiling is reduced
to exchanging of
$d$ central tiles. As a corollary, we obtain that
the Rauzy tiling of an arbitrary order consist of bounded
remainder sets with respect to the considered toric shift.
In addition, some self-similarity property of the orbit of
considered toric shift is established.
Rauzy tilings, Rauzy fractals, Pisot numbers, bounded remainder sets.
511 Received: 27.06.2018
Accepted: 12.11.2019