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JOURNALS // Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making // Archive

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2014 Issue 4, Pages 59–67 (Mi iipr377)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Intelligent systems and technologies

Intelligent technologies in the oilfield management

V. F. Zadneprovskiya, V. P. Fralenkoa, M. V. Khachumovb

a Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
b Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: The subject matter of this research work is the development of new approaches to improve management of oil wells and field in general by artificial intelligence methods. Proposed a three level intellectual field management system that providing an overall optimization of oilfield production and equipment operations; reveals necessary for all levels implementation applied artificial intelligence tools features. Concept and proposals may offer a starting point for future researches and building a real “smart wells” and “smart fields”.

Keywords: intelligent field, oil, mining, artificial intelligence.

 English version:
, 2015, 42:6, 448–454

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