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JOURNALS // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory // Archive

Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 2017 Volume 141, Pages 103–110 (Mi into247)

This article is cited in 1 paper

On asymptotics of solutions to some linear differential equations

K. A. Mirzoeva, N. N. Konechnajab, T. A. Safonovab, R. N. Tagirovab

a Lomonosov Moscow State University
b Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk

Abstract: In this paper, we find the principal asymptotic term at infinity of a certain fundamental system of solutions to the equation $l_{2n}[y]=\lambda y$ of order $2n$, where $l_{2n}$ is the product of second-order linear differential expressions and $\lambda$ is a fixed complex number. We assume that the coefficients of these differential expressions are not necessarily smooth but have a prescribed power growth at infinity. The asumptotic formulas obtained are applied for the problem on the defect index of differential operators in the case where $l_{2n}$ is a symmetric (formally self-adjoint) differential expression.

Keywords: principal asymptotic term, quasi-derivative, product of quasi-differential expressions, differential operator, defect index.

UDC: 517.928, 517.984.4

MSC: 34E05, 47E05

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2019, 241:5, 614–621

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