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JOURNALS // Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics // Archive

Keldysh Institute preprints, 2002 042 (Mi ipmp1016)

Computer investigation of nucleic acids structure formation

N. N. Kozlov, E. I. Kugushev, D. I. Sabitov, T. M. Eneev

Abstract: Study by methods of a mathematical simulation of processes of a structure-formation of biological macromolecules, that is proteins, ribonucleic (RNA) and desoksiribonucleic (DNA) of an acid is now intensively developing area of molecular biology. The fundamentality of this problem is determined by that the basic processes of functioning of an alive crate are determined first of all by spatial structure of these macromolecules. The new results of research of processes of a structure-formation of macromolecules of RNA are represented. The application of the multiprocessor computer complex ΜΒΡ-1000 has allowed to carry out a series of calculations for much longer molecules of a RNA — ferments, which length exceeds some hundreds nucleotides. The received results not only confirm a hypothesis about intermittence of process of lengthening of a molecular chain but also allow making an estimation of the period of this process.

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025