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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Matem. Mod., 1990 Volume 2, Number 11, Pages 31–44 (Mi mm2478)

Computer experiment in science and engineering

Numerical simulation of a turbulent flow near the right step

I. A. Graur, T. G. Elizarova, B. N. Chetverushkin

Keldysh Applied Mathematics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Abstract: A mathematical approach is proposed and the numerical results are presented for the problem of computer simulation of a separated turbulent flow in the vicinity of the right step. The kineticalconsistent finite-difference gasdynamic schemes are involved for computations. The computational results for Mach numbers $\mathrm M=2;2,95;4$; $\mathrm{Pr}=0,71$ and $\operatorname{Re}_{\delta}=1,6\times10^5$ are compared with the data of the natural experiments and analytical results.

UDC: 517.9

Received: 30.05.1990

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