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JOURNALS // Program Systems: Theory and Applications // Archive

Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2018 Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 117–158 (Mi ps307)

This article is cited in 4 papers

Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks

Methods of cognitive-graphical representation of information for effective monitoring of complex technical systems

Yu. G. Emel'yanova, V. P. Fralenko

Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The methods of cognitive-graphical representation of telemetric information are considered. The analysis of existing methods applicability of multidimensional data visualization for dynamic real-time systems monitoring with a complex hierarchical structure is performed. The final part of the paper presents a table summarizing the results of the methods studied analysis. (In Russian).

Key words and phrases: cognitive image, information presentation, monitoring, operator, dynamic system.

UDC: 004.891.3

Received: 17.04.2018
Accepted: 14.11.2018

DOI: 10.25209/2079-3316-2018-9-4-117-158

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025