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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva // Archive

Trudy SVMO, 2008, Volume 10, Number 1, Pages 232–241 (Mi svmo142)

In Middle Volga Mathematical Society

Mathematical modelling and calculation of pressure field of temporomandibular joint

N. D. Morozkin, D. M. Kolonskikh

Bashkir State University

Abstract: In this work author analyse the problem, relating with calculation stress field of temporomandibular joint. In the capacity of numerical solution author choose finite element method. Also he accentuate importance of creation mathematical model of lower jaw, as way of researching origin of morbid conditions. In consequently he show results of experiments.

Keywords: partial differential equation, finite element method.

UDC: 519.62

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