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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 1991 Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 409–417 (Mi tvt4227)

Plasma Investigations

Quasi-classical approximation in quantum-defect calculations of continuous plasma absorption

L. G. D'yachkov, G. A. Kobzev, P. M. Pankratov

Institute for High Temperatures, USSR Academy of Sciences

Abstract: A quasi-classical approach is proposed to the calculation of the photoionizational and inverse bremsstrahlung continua of low-temperature plasma, within the framework of the quantum-defect method. An analytical expression is obtained for the absorption coefficient, which, in the particular case of a hydrogen- like atom, reduces to the well-known Kramers–Unsold formula. The limits of applicability are investigated. The results are compared with Peach's numerical calculation and the Biberman–Norman approximation.

UDC: 533.93:535.343

Received: 18.01.1990

 English version:
High Temperature, 1991, 29:3, 311–317

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