Recently, using DiGiorgi-type techniques, Caffarelli and Vasseur [1] showed that a certain class of weak solutions to the drift diffusion equation with initial data in $L^2$ gain Hölder continuity provided that the BMO norm of the drift velocity is bounded uniformly in time. We show a related result: a uniform bound on BMO norm of a smooth velocity implies uniform bound on the $C^\beta$ norm of the solution for some $\beta>0$. We use elementary tools involving control of Hölder norms using test functions. In particular, our approach offers a third proof of the global regularity for the critical surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) equation in addition to [5] and [1]. Bibl. – 6 titles.
Key words and phrases:drift-diffusion equation, fractional diffusion, surface quasi-geostrophic equation, Hölder regularity.