In this paper, the relations between eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the curl operator and the Stokes operator (with periodic boundary condition) are considered. These relations show that the curl operator is a square root of the Stokes operator with $\nu=1$. The multiplicity of zero eigenvalue of the curl operator is infinite. The space $\mathbf{L}_2(Q,2\pi)$ is decomposed into a directe sum of the eigensubspaces of the operator curl. For any complex number $\lambda$, the equation $\operatorname{rot}\mathbf{u}+\lambda\mathbf{u}=\mathbf{f}$ and the Stokes equation $-\nu(\Delta v+\lambda^2v)+\nabla p=\mathbf{f}$, $\operatorname{div}v=0$, are solved.